Upcoming Changes within Erepublik

Day 1,848, 11:02 Published in Israel Israel by Joe Franco

I'm headed out to dinner and then the after-summit party, but before I went I thought I would jot down two quick notes about the summit.

For those that didn't read the agenda, today's conference was divided into two parts. The first was to introduce the new map and PvP modules to the player base, and the second was to take feedback on a variety of issues ranging from the military, to the economic to the political modules.

To start, this is what the new map will look like:

Basically it's a non-flash based version of the current map that will display active battles, as well as letting you drill down to regions to see the current campaign, how long an occupied region has been under hostile rule for, population, borders etc. It should also hopefully crash far less than the current module.

Additionally the map will be the launching point for as yet unannounced further changes to the game that will be geographically based in nature.

I don't have any screen caps of the new PvP module but how it works is fairly simple. During your normal fighting, after a few kills, you'll be given the option to join a PvP queue to fight head to head with over players, live.

You'll enter a unique environment depending on the battle where you'll use weapons and equipment that you'll be able to purchase from Plato (inexpensively) using CC to fight another player. The player that wins the PvP fight will generate influence to push the wall in their side's favor.

If there aren't other players online to participate in PvP, or if the battle is in its final minutes you won't have the option to join the PvP battle.

So, this change will be an expansion or in addition to the current battle module. Rewards are still being discussed, but first and foremost it will allow players to do head to head with some of their most hated rivals from across the battle field. If you have the appropriate hit, for instance, you'd be able to go toe to toe with Romper or ScymeX or any of the other famous (or infamous) tanks.

The second half of the summit had considerably more discussion, for now I'll drill it down to a few bullet points which I can expand upon later.

- Alliances will be added in-game
- The military unit reforms
-- Community storage space
-- Removal captain elections
- Economy module balance
-- Suggestions still needed xD

Ok, that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I'd like to thank the admins for hosting us, and the other players for their thoughtful and provoking contributions to the round table!

- Oblige

P.S. You can watch a video recap of the summit here: http://www.justin.tv/weareobliged my apologies for the sound, but it was the best I could do.
Oblige's Summit Review

Courtesy of Oblige: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/3423301