Unrestrained Business Expansion can cause business failure

Day 1,224, 13:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by DerBrad
Yes it looks like we are heading towards another market crash. Nothing new there I suppose. There are people writing daily about the problems that our economies face. Yet I haven't seen any articles/discussion about the threat to global markets from unrestrained business expansion.

The old business module limited the number of companies a person/organisation could own, therefore restricting growth to some degree. Ultimately supply to the market was restricted accordingly.

The new business module allows citizens to continue expanding indefinitely by purchasing new land and companies. Therefore supply is no longer suppressed.

In the short-term (right now) profits appear to be easy to obtain by having many companies and by operating as self-employed. In fact the more companies you own the bigger the profits. However it's a proven fact that continued expansion cannot be sustained indefinitely.

I give you a quote from Dr. Paul E. Adams:

"Watch out for the temptation to own the biggest business on the block. As we live in a society where bigness is viewed as a symbol of success, be careful that you do not confuse success with how fast you can expand your business. Seasoned entrepreneurs well know that overexpansion is a leading cause of business failure."

Over-expansion is happening on a large scale across all economies, not just in Ireland. This will ultimately give rise to supply exceeding demand and sequentially price disintegration. Then what do you do when it's no longer profitable to own many-many companies... you offload some of your companies of course, but so does everyone else. This will lead to a collapse in the price of companies. Ultimately you will end up dissolving your companies for 5G because of the collapse in prices.

OK that's a worst case scenario, but based on the level of overexpansion that I am seeing out there it may come to pass! Just make sure you "do not confuse success with how fast you can expand your business".