Universal Defense Systems Q5 Up And Running.

Day 367, 23:16 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

It is with no small amount of pride that I am here before you today to introduce to you the foundation of eNorway's first national defense contractor. I am very thankful to have been given the opportunity to found "Universal Defense Systems Q5", which will aid in providing safety and security to generations of Norwegians in the months ahead.

If you are in search of a job in the construction industry, then I urge you to please visit the link above and find the appropriate job listing for your skill. We have plenty of job openings available and we promise to always offer highly competitive wages. Not only will "UDS Q5" provide you with an excellent opportunity to make a living, but you will also be able to feel the pride of knowing that you are doing your part to help your country.

If you have any questions, please direct them to either myself or my Minister of Infrastructure Glost.

Thank you,
The President of Norway