United eRomania is Invincible !!!

Day 472, 23:07 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
You need to lose from time to time to be able to enjoy the next win. You need to let your enemy think they are strong to ripe them apart in next battle. eRomania don`t lose .. we just delay the finish because whatever PEACE think we will WIN and they will LOOSE. Hell will crumble on them ... Soon.. because we are UNITED now

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Romanian Version

Nici ploaia, nici vantul, nici orgolile si nici macar faptul ca aparent suntem divizati sub diverse steaguri nu ne opresc sa fim romani atunci cand tara o cere.

Nici daca unguri se chinuie sa cucereasca Southern Great Plan , nici daca dioisti se zbat sa rupa o parte din frumoasul nostru eImperiu Transnistria si nu in ultimul rand nici micuta armata indonesiana nu ne pot invinge, West Siberian Region ...si cu toate ca incerca impreuna, noi tot le demonstram si aratam ca suntem eRomania si ca suntem cei mai Puternici

Pentru ca noi suntem eromani si suntem invatati sa ne aparam mult mai bine decat sa atacam si cum noi cand atacam se darama muntii din loc si seaca oceanele nu va pot spune ce se petrece cand cineva cuteaza in nebunia lui sa ne atace pamantul 😛

Multumesc eRomania si Felicitari Tuturor pentru Efort si Daruire si pentru aceasta noua pictura falnica pe drapelul romanesc !

Am pierdut 2 regiuni pentru ca am subestimat forta lor si pentru ca am luat cu totii unele decizi gresite, sa nu mai zic de faptul ca in final am facut greseala tactica de a ne diviza aiurea in 2 regiuni in loc sa aparam una care era necesara ca aerul. O puteam face si consider ca am gresit pentru ca nu ne`am asteptat la ce va sa vie. Vina e a noastra a tuturor , a mea pentru ca am luptat in Transnistria cand in WSR era zidul la 30k, a lui Ben Dover pentru ca a facut 10k damage intr`o lupta moarta care ne permiteau sa pastram WSR daca reusea cineva sa vada greseala si in general a tuturor pentru ca aici nu a pierdut dsalageanu sau eUGD ci a pierdut eRomania si Atlantis. Suntem insa in continuare puternici si in scurt timp va trebuii iar sa luam armele in mana si sa dam cu ele in WSR pana ramane stepa acolo si pana cand picior de indonesian nu va mai fi.

Totusi in goana noastra nebuna dupa inedit, am pierdut o tara [ Ucraina ], am oferit idea altora care au eliberat alta [ Moldova ] si intr`un final am pornit un razboi de imagine care ne`a distrus temporar economic [ West Siberian Region ]. Insa nimic nu e ireversibil si de acum va trebuii sa muncim cu totii sa recucerim ce am pierdut

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English Version

Not the rain, nor the wind, not the intern interests that divide us under different party flags can`t stop us to be all united as romanian when time and country demand it.

Not even when Hungary try depressive to conquest Southern Great Plan in his madness , not even a Dio follower who try to ripe our beloved empire in parts Transnistria and not at last not even the small Indonesian army can defeat us, West Siberian Region.. because even if they try , and even if they all try in the same time we show them constant that we are eRomania and we are the most powerful nation

Because we are romanian and we are learn to defend our lands better than attack others and because when we attack mountains are crumbled and the ocean are drying I can`t say what happen when somebody dare to challenge us.

Thank`s Romania and Congratulation to all romanian for another lesson of patriotism painted with devotion and love on our country flag.

In the end we loose two region because bad decisions but we will regain them, and all the country that united against us will lose one more time against eRomania and come back with the head in the ground. Just wait for us, because we come ..and probably next time will not be 3 vs 1 but 1 vs 1 and we will send you all to Hell.