United Empire Loyalists- First Official Counter-Rebellion Operation (Day 1578)

Day 1,578, 08:13 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good morning eCanada,

The Self-Exiled Patriots of Canada (SEPC) have launched their first official military action. They are attempting to return Wales to our enemies the British through a RW. As Loyalists until the end, we must fight to defend eCanada, her interests abroad, and those of her allies.

Defend Canada here


Patriotic eCanadians, vote this article up and shout it in your friend box.

Loyalists, fight for Canada in the Wales RW.

Make your voice heard! Let them know that we, the Loyalists, are the silent majority.

Loyal then, Loyal now, Toujours Fidele- The United Empire Loyalists of eCanada