Unfortunately, The Age of Cozy Is Over.

Day 606, 21:04 Published in USA USA by Joeph Cole

An age of content is done. We, obviously, are being invaded. Obviously, as every single one of our citizens with a newspaper has written.

What I’m writing now has been in the pile of "Joeph’s thoughts that he was too lazy to write out", Chock it up there with the Mayor’s Awesome paper, Gaming commission and advertising control, Advancing the common knowledge, Unrealist movement, and the list goes on.

What I’m about to say is hard to swallow, and I’m going to get some negative feedback on this one.
For a long while now, I think I found the source of our nation’s problems. And that problem is our size.

Our size is our greatest strength; we can be a major force, even when doing nothing, just by being here. Some people, as well as I, take comfort on this. Unfortunately, even though we are the biggest, we are not the most active. There are far too many new comers in our nation that play for a day and die off, because the game is not “interesting” enough. All these wasted numbers do not help us fight, as they’re do not have enough strength, the only use to us right now that we can get from these types of players are added points of defense for our regions.

Another type of Newbie that is dragging down our nation is the ones that bring real life views, dogmas and hypocrisy. The most annoying newbie is one who thins war is bad, taxes are too high, and we need to raise our minimum wage. This player as not had enough time to look and see how this game is really played, and more often than not, they never will.

Things are too cozy in USA to go and do anything else. And they just keep coming. America is so large in real life, and as so, our quality for new players, is lower. These players don’t really care about the game; they’re just here because their friend asked them to join. They don’t really know that war is more or less the most entertaining part of this game, all they know is war is bad, and it needs to be stopped.

Real live almost always never works in erep, and yet thanks to the wave of new players we get, and the ones who die out so quickly, the collective knowledge of “Hey, this doesn’t work like that” never really seems to catch on. The newb can also cause some internal political problems. This has been shown over the last 3-4 months. It’s an effect of follow the leader. “One party is larger than the other, so it must be better,” and the next one comes along, “Ooh this party is larger than the other+1, so it must be better.” Hell I even did that.

Newbs more often than not, don’t live long enough to be useful.

But Joeph You were a newb, everyone was a newb.”
Obliviously, Captain Obvious. And I was a rather retarded newb too. For three months. Then I learned things. Like I said, a lot don’t have the attention span to stay active for even that long, especially since you need to be a certain level to do certain things. I’m still herer after over a year, and that’s what makes me different. And remember, not everyone is like who I described above. Some Newbs can be very awesome, quite a few of my friends come to mind. But for par, most aren’t that way.

Our nation needs to slow down and produce mature citizens to be a powerhouse we can be, and while this war is disconcerting, it might be spark to light some fires in our citizenry. We must always fight the good fight, but losing some excess, and boiling us down to our most potent might not be as bad as you might think.