Unfair treatment to the countries!

Day 1,285, 23:13 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by UAGooD

Unfair treatment to the countries!
Несправедливое отношение к странам в еРеспублике!
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Unfair treatment to the countries!
Some countries have all their regions as well as in the real world

and some whole teritory share large pieces of of land ...

I think it's unfair!

and propose to redistribute the country in accordance with their administrative division in the real world!
(or reduce the number of regions in other countries)
For example:
USA - 50 states in the real world and 50 regions in erepublik
Russia - 83 equal subjects of the federation, including 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts

And is the teritory 17075400 [4] km ²
In eRepublik Russia have only 12 regions!
China - 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities directly under central authority
In eRepublik China have 29 regoins is more than Russia's two and a half times
P.S.: I am not a citizen of Russia and not very love this country
But this attitude I do not like! Everything must be honestly!

Such examples can bring a lot!
I have brought you the most shocking of them
Ukraine - 24 region and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
in eRepublik only 13 regions but is more than Russia
but this is only half the number of regions in the real world
And no one region has a normal name!
a feeling that these names were taken from the Middle Ages
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