Under one roof or a flat complex?

Day 2,363, 10:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nathan Slater

As a player born in 2010 that's been in and our of the eWorld I have seen the UK in some pretty pitiful states. Wiped a number of times by different nations including nearly by eIreland, a political elite massively divided on issues that have rocked our congress and ups and down in a government centralised military which appears to becoming close to its bitter end.However, It is safe to say without a doubt, this is the worst position the United Kingdom has found itself in my living memory and possible in its entire history.

We have a political elite, which has grown fat, old and far too comfortable for my liking. A political elite that isn't bringing innovation and originality to the table but just adding a new medal to their profiles. And would appear they cannot even face themselves in our troubles times.

The top five, perhaps there will be more political bashing to come in the next few days which I suspect there will be. Complacency, laziness, greed and selfish capitalism fuels the lack of unity between our political parties instead of ensuring the best possible deal for eUK, thus a grim state of affairs we're facing in this months congress election.If we wish to come out of this month with a better perspective and a stronger starting position we must create unity among ourselves to fend off bigger threats we're going to be facing and not continuing to be an easy target as we currently are.

Unlike the last few years, we've had no productive BabyBoom which the likes of Chile have seen. If we are to get rid of our political elite and have a refreshed congress that is safe and secure from a PTO, then this has to become one of our priorities in the coming months. Fresh eBlood, fresh perspective, new innovation, new direction for eUK.

We have to stand together united against our enemies or we shall continue to head down this dark road indeed.

Photoshop skill lv:100

Slater out. \o