Under New Management

Day 627, 05:59 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

As set forth in what was possibly Severin's last private message before disappearing from eRepublik altogether, his organizations and their contents were practically left to me in what could be considered an inheritance. The distribution of which I feel should be detailed further, for the public's knowledge.

The Publications

This particular newspaper, formerly "Severin Says", will be brought under new management. This paper is by no means disappearing from our media, it'll be put to good use. Rhindon's Rationality will be utilized as a sort of personal journal...providing various announcements, political updates, and international news for the Irish reader from my own office, straightforward, no nonsense. Business as usual. No, better than usual.

My original publication, The Celtic Chronicle, will continue to host articles, but strictly, and very exclusively, dramatized pieces for your Irish reading pleasure. As an example, see Chapter I, Chapter II, and the Sovereignty Article. No statistics, bulletins or political facts here. Just a pint of Guinness, a handful of sweet smelling herbs and a sprinkle of some of that infamous luck.

The Money/Property

Nearly every other content in Severin's organizations, including his estate and his entire savings, have been brought under the IRP administration, as he would have no doubt wished it to have been.

That brings me to another announcement.

The Party

The Irish Radical Party is also under new management. I've played my part by steering its boat through the rough waves (understatement?) its very recently encountered, but now its time I laid aside my duties for an initial, and rightful, captain...the IRP co-founder Grainne Ni Mhaille. She is one of the very few individuals in the game that I hold in exceptionally high regard, untainted and elegantly unaffected by the clutch of politics and everything dirty that seems to frequently accompany it - a beautifully sincere woman of Ireland in every sense. But truth be told, now that IRP's rugged ride is over and the task of rebuilding is at hand, during this time we've had quite substantially differing approaches and ideas for the party, and its future. Its endured for a good amount of time...and the last thing I will do is stand as a source of internal friction. So today, I finally decided that in this circumstance, Grainne has the absolute right of way.

Everything Severin intended for, and more, will be represented by the good lady, and I wish IRP the best of luck for the future, there is no doubt as to their potential due to such an availability of promising members and visionary management.

So for the moment, I suppose you could now call me a political bachelor.

Any takers? Haha.


Lord Rhindon
Congressman of Dublin
Minister of the Communities (Article up-and-coming)
Publisher of The Celtic Chronicle
Former Minister of Information
Former Foreign Affairs UnderSecretary
Aficionado of Fine Wines
Former IRPer, Resigned