Unconditional and total victory and other news Summary.

Day 504, 04:29 Published in South Korea South Korea by RacistDarkie

Dear Leader has announced today that glorious victory occurred in political process of korea. Not only did Dear Leader ensure tremendous political victory, but great humiliation of Imperialist opponent with use of Master Plan.

Opponent PowerSweden was made by dear leader to look like Village Idiot or Circus clown by falling for obvious plans that only imperialist child could be tricked by.

Mr. Brodie, national hero of Korea used political power to create impeachment for person who was graciously elected leader in elections, Workers Party of Korea used tactics and super intelligence to ensure PowerSweden won election as sacrificial lamb to slaughter to ensure 100% victory for Workers Party of Korea.

Followers of occult practicing imperialist PowerSweden complain in media about this, however PowerSweden did not warn voters of impending doom for winner of election.
Lack of political awareness, lack of leadership and lack of intelligence means that PowerSweden is never ideal candidate for president, possibly due to turk upbringing and PowerSweden showed great stupidity to fail Dear Leader presidency test spectacularly.

Propaganda Korean Worker tries to gain interview of foolish PowerSweden but no reply due to egg on face and tremendous embarrassment caused by stupidity of himself and sheep followers

Dear Leader's chosen one for leadership of korea, Toki Wart00th has threaten legal action and grave punishment against representative of previous korean government and congress. Before election occurred, congress move finances of Korean Government to Origin Corp. in action of corrupt government.

Toki Wart00th as all knowing leader request that money funds be returned to rightful place due to breach of law however leak document shows indignant corrupt pigs attitude and fears grow that money is not to be returned.

Toki Wart00th state that indignant corrupt regime break international laws section 4 and therefore global criminals, which possibly results in ejection to work camp on moon for erection of dear leader glorious monument against imperialist west.

For assistance in proving PowerSweden lack of intelligence and creating Dear Leader great test, first action of true Korean Government award Mr. Brodie Work Hero gold medal and Order of National Flag First Class for services to people of Korea and substantial gold reward as well as glorious parade in settlements across korea for honor of Mr.Brodie.