Uncle Sam, Why an E makes all the difference!

Day 403, 20:00 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Hello my loyal and disloyal readers alike!

I am here to tell you I have decided to endorse Uncle Sam for the Presidency of our great country! I strongly beleive that Uncle Sam is the right person to lead this nation? Why...? Read on!

Uncle Sam has been playing a pivotal role in our nation this term, most notably taking over for President Dover for a few days and leading our nation. He has been relentlessly fighting for our abroad so that we can have peace at home. Sam is a seasoned war veteran and a seasoned player of the game that knows not just how it the world works, but why it does so.

However, all that political-mumbo-jumbo aside, Sam is just a darned nice guy. I mean, I go on and chat with him for hours at a time, and he is more then happy to listen to my concerns and ideas. It was really him that inspired me to go beyond myself and run for the President of the AAP many months ago. I think Sam is an inspiration to many new players because of his openness and down-to-earth style of talking and working.

Sam knows where it is at economically. Instead of going into a long depth and boring platform about why, he knows every detail, I will instead give you this example. When I needed advice onto what field to go into economically, or how I could help my company, he was there to help me. Thanks to Sam's original advice in the economy field, I am now doing better then ever!

Now, mind, I don't want to portray Sam as some kind of commercial product you can get of the shelfs...(Which mind, if you DO find anything like Sam on the shelfs let me know, I want to buy it!)...He has a unique and frank style of leading and I think that if you elect him, he will use it to lead this country to higher heights.

Sam is also FAR FAR from the Same. Which is WHY the E makes so much difference! And while having an E in his name WOULD allow him to cite, Experience, Economical Knowledge, Excellent Legislative Record, Effective Writer; Things he very much is or has....Sam is just so FAR from the Same!

Sam isn't afraid to take risks, he does stick his neck out politically with his articles which often address controversial topics. He isn't the typical politician, and I have never seen him in a suit! (He always seems to be wearing those red, white and blue pajamas....)

In conclusion...Vote for Sam!