Uncle Pennybags Needs You!

Day 945, 18:56 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

So, the other day I was talking with some kongressmen, and we concluded that it would be a great idea for kongress to begin spending some time thinking about ways to fund-raise without raising taxes.

Clearly, the combined brainpower of such a large group of learned individuals as well as myself will come up with a new and innovating approach to increasing revenue, right?


Hey, it's Ligtreb!

Woah, guys. Calm down. I know its a great idea, but don't throw yourselves at me already, because it gets better.

You see, instead of simply asking for your hard earned USD and GOLD (which you are more than welcome to donate if you'd like 😁).

The US government would like to do you a favor by taking those pesky foreign currencies off your hands.

So all of that spare HUF from that time you when to a Hungarian Gentlemen's Club while conquering HelloKitty? It sure is useless chilling in your bank account...I personally would rather see it turned into American flags to place all over Serbian regions.

Wouldn't you?

And if I dont have you convinced yet, you're about to be.

Click on the pretty picture of a panda

Yup. Donating to the CBO is about as awesome as that poster, and that poster is pretty awesome. As is Wallingbottom for making it.

Odds and Ends:

- THE PLUS SIGN IS A LIE. Some of you may have noticed the plus sign in your wellness !!. It sure will plus your wellness, it will also ninja 2 gold in the process. To be fair, it was actually a good addition, since its now easier to buy wellness packs if you intended. As per status quo for the admin team, it was horribly implemented.

- As you may or may not have noticed, there is now a US😨CAD and CA😨USD peg designed to promote brotrade. Now businesses who export goods to Canada or sell Canadian diamonds stateside don't have to deal with so much downtime when transferring currencies. Thanks to Tango for making it happen, and speculators beware, tango will eat you if you try and ruin this plan.

- I ran for president because I want to see America succeed, not for personal glory or a couple pixels on a screen that make some lol-trophy. I have some projects in the works that I would like to see completed, and am considering running for president again. However, my servitude is at the will of the American people. As such, I am asking in this eUS forum thread if the American people want to see me run again for President next month. Make your voice heard and throw me some love, constructive criticism, or sheer unbridled hatred.

This picture is pretty cool, thanks batterytime

- There is an epic debate unfolding on the forums. Frosted Flakes vs Honey Bunches of Oats (otherwise lovingly known as HoBOs). MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD...especially if you love Honey Bunches of Oats 😁

- Gold is on sale. I wrote some thoughts about it in this thread, but basically just wanted to let people know if case they were interested.

- Ostin V.64 reborn. If you're there, Halfie has a message for you.