UKRP policies and stances in a nutshell

Day 453, 08:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters
The policies and achievements of UK Reform Party: Why you too should join the oldest party in eUK

There has been a lot of talk about different parties and their candidates in the media lately. If you do not want to wade through all of them, we the UKRP offer an easier way to get a grip on party politics. In this article are the policies and achievements of the UK Reform Party.

What the UKRP stands for:

Civil liberties – We in the UKRP believe firmly in individual rights. Yet with rights comes responsibility. As all individuals have the freedom of speech and freedom to work where they want, they also have the responsibility to help others achieve this.

Market Freedom – The market must be free of government intervention. A self-regulated private enterprise is the best way to uphold our domestic economy and maintain productive citizens in the eUK. The only interference needed is to protect individuals from crisis and to maintain public services (i.e. Hospitals).

Party equality – Every member in the UKRP has equal rights. Everyone has a say on party policies and intra-party voting. Individual activity is encouraged. Not one policy is decided by a single person in UKRP.

Party Cooperation – We in the UKRP believe firmly in inter-party cooperation. It is in the best interests of eUK to communicate and cooperate with different parties, especially in the House of Commons.

What our policies and stances are:

Domestic policies
The UKRP believes in transparent, non-partisan, inclusive government that is focused on running the country. The work and governance is spread over many to maintain flexibility and promote activity of all citizens.

Foreign policies
The UKRP believes in strong alliances with foreign powers to keep our borders secure. That is why it is imperative to stay in ATLANTIS and improve it with a strong eUK leadership. We believe in truth, loyalty and honour in foreign politics; we are truthful in our motives, we are loyal to our allies and we are honourable in regards to treaties.

How the UKRP influence shows in everyday life:
The UKRP has had more country president positions than any other party. 5 out of 8 presidents so far have been from UKRP. The UKRP has written much of the laws and proposals in the eUK and continues to be a large contributor in domestic politics. For private citizens the NHS is probably the most visible factor. Entrepreneurs may have heard of the Small Business Act. These and several other economic and social improvements proposed and carried out by UKRP continue to improve the quality of life for all eUK citizens.

Why you too should join the UKRP:
After reading this, the reason should be obvious. Without active membership the party and the whole country suffers degradation. The UKRP believes in freedom, equality and democracy above all. The UKRP community welcomes all without discrimination. I myself found out that the people behind UKRP are all humans like me, they laugh and have problems, have friendships and pet hates. Above all they are helpful and friendly. Why wouldn't you too want to be part of this great community?

If you find the values mentioned above close to your heart, then the UKRP is for you.
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