UK-Hungary Relations

Day 597, 15:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

Hello eUK and the eWorld

I am writing to you to clarify the eUK's position on the recent War opened between the UK and Hungary. The UK has been building relations with Hungary and the last two months and there is an understanding between our two nations. They have never acted agressively towards us, and have shown nothing but kindness. We have been able to put old Alliance-based grudges aside and focus on the relationship between ourselves, regardless of the past and pre-determined views of others.

When Hungary gained a border with us, the possibility of a Training War opened up. Since, as said above, we have been friends recently, it seemed to be a wise choice that would benefit the UK enormously. We would gain consistent Wars which would directly affect the UK, giving the populous an obvious and easy to see War on the front page, which everyone can participate in. So discussions began last month with Hungary about this possibility and the idea has continued to gain momentum. We have now come to the point where it is a reality and they will start shortly.

Eventually there comes a time when a Country has to look out for itself. This time has come. This gives us the chance for the UK to stand on it's own. When we tried to have our "suprise" Wargames with Ireland, the World retaliated with vigour and we were ridiculed. At home, however, these games, however brief, provided immense entertainment and activity within the UK. The purpose of our upcoming Wargames with Hungary is the same; to involve our citizens more, give them experience and generally make their eLives more enjoyable.

Thank you,
Hassan Pesaran
Prime Minister of the eUK