UIP Party Presidency Nov. 2009

Day 720, 12:51 Published in USA USA by AndraX2000

Before I get into my platform, I want to make a quick plug. The UIP is running a forum badge design contest with a 2G prize. Right now there are only 2 entries, so if you have any artisitic skill at all, please enter here. Thank you.

Why are you running?

Because it's time. I can no longer sit in the background. It doesn't matter how much technology I make if there is not a change in the culture of the UIP. It is time to make the UIP great again by focusing on our roots.

In the last months I have seen people leave because they felt we were too focused on the "United" portion of our name and not enough on "Independents." This is a valid criticism, and I want to see this corrected. I feel that I will be able to bring the party back on track in these difficult times.

What can I expect from an AndraX2000 Presidency?

You can expect honesty and hard work from your Party President. You can expect to be asked to do work. You can expect to be contacted with opportunities to volunteer, help the UIP, and participate in contests. You will be asked to vote with the best interests of the eUS in mind first, and the UIP second. But most of all, you will be asked to voice your opinion.

The UIP was founded on the principal that healthy debate is best way to make decisions. Criticism and disagreement can hone a idea until is sharp enough to pierce through rhetoric. UIP debate is the crucible in which new eUS policy is forged. As Party President, I will insist on the hard work and well-thought out opinions of our members. However, I will also limit debate to appropriate periods of time, as to not stagnate the work we must do.

Also expect an increase in IRC usage as an official way to get things done. I feel that much of our time is wasted debating on the forums. What takes weeks to do in forum posts takes minutes on IRC.

Please realize that all of the promises I make will brought to bear fruit by you. This is your Party, and all I can do is help keep people working. That will be my role, and I intend to fulfill it.

How will you get us back to the Top 5?

Recruitment and Retention. I will focus most of the party resources on these two vital areas. We need to take a more active role, and I will make sure that the recruitment team stays staffed with active members. As for details, these are not things to be discussed in newspaper articles, but you can read about them in my candidacy thread on the forums. Retention is also very important. Everyone who wants to help should be given something to do. We have been lax in the past months about this. Many people have asked for jobs, but not been given tasks to do. I will make sure everyone is working at the level of activity they desire. In addition, I will focus on generating a more entertaining atmosphere in the UIP forum and chat room. By increasing the number and frequency of contests, I hope to get more people involved on the forums and IRC.

Who is your VP?

I have none. I feel that the VP has become a way for the current PP to choose his successor without much oversight or objection from the UIP membership. We have been lucky that we have so far had good picks. However eventually this will go wrong. Also, since most PPs have choose a VP who agrees with them closely, this has led to a UIP monoculture that threatens the "I" in UIP.

If I am unable to fulfill my duties, it will be up to the cabinet and the UIP members to keep things running. Because I will demand hard work and leadership from my cabinet, this will not be a problem.

What about the other candidates?

Hoss is a UIP legend and Pike will be a UIP legend very soon. They both have very strong running mates. They are all four hardworking people. If I should win, I would hope that they would accept positions on my cabinet. And I hope that if I lose, there will be a place for me on their cabinet. Please vote for who you thing will be able to lead the UIP best. No matter who the UIP picks this election, our future looks bright.