Ugh: Now with more Bleh!

Day 689, 09:14 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

I have no reason to write an article today other than newspaper needs a little updating. It's been raining a whole bunch in Ottawa this fall which goes really well with our less than satisfactory summer. Oh summer, that was a great day. Usually fall is the "dry" season in Ottawa but apparently mother nature has decided that we've been too spoiled with 14 degree summer days and all.

Anyways, what's the deal with stuff? I mean, it's everywhere, whether you need it or not. Seriously though, is it just me or has eCanada become one bitch session after another? People denouncing the Prime Minister before he's had a full day on the job, the PM firing some of his cabinet on his second day, all the while the sheepish masses follow along their party lines with few straying from the pack.

I voted for William Duncan, which won't come to a surprise to any of you. What may however, is that I 'd have been very torn in who to vote for had jbdivinus not had Octavian_F in his cabinet. As much as this is a game, there is absolutely no place online for the kind of real life ignorance Octavian_F carries with him. Some say that his views don't have an effect on the kind of job he can do as proposed finance minister. To those people I say, bullshit. It shows that this person is not a modern thinker, is openely prejudice towards specific people and that he openly declares it lacks judgement. That stuff might be alright for some backwards nation, but not here in Canada.

jbdivinus, I hope you run again. I hope you do it with a better sense of who people are and I hope you have a more bi-partisan cabinet and get to know some CPP and CSD members. You'll find there are a lot of very bright minds there, despite your pre-conceived ideas.

Anyways, I will leave you with Sloan from Entourage. Your average girl from Montreal.

And for the Ryan Gosling lovers out there: