UGD Grup isi premiaza actionarii! UGD is awarding its shareholders!

Day 865, 02:40 Published in Romania Romania by Stfn

Dupa cum spuneam aici persoana care va detine cele mai multe actiuni la 02:00 erepublik time va primi actiuni in valoare de 10 gold. Conform tabelului de actionoari castigatorul este decebal2_dac cu 306 actiuni. decebal2_dac va primi 56 actiuni. Pretul de piata este acum 0.18*56=10.08Gold. Felicitari!
Ps: In calcul s-au exclus cei care detineau actiuni inainte de listarea UGD Grup.Lista poate fi consultata aici
PS2: Pentru protejarea datelor am sters numele celorlalti actionari.

English version

As we said here the person who will have the most shares today at 02:00 erepublik time will receive, as a bonus from us, for fidelity, 10 gold in shares. The winner is decebal2_dac wit 306 shares. He will receive 56 shares at the price of 0.18 (0.18*56=10.08 gold). Congratulations!
PS:We took in consideration just the new shareholders, not the old ones. You can see the list here.
PS2: For date protection we erased the names of the other shareholders.

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