Tyler F Durden: On Politics

Day 660, 16:58 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

I have never seen sand like on the beaches of Southampton, NY.
Golden. White. Fine and rough at the same time.

The water was bath water warm.
My friend, who has frequented these beaches for 30 years says he never felt it that warm.

The waves were over 5 foot swells and if you just throw yourself into their cusp,
they will propel you at a force you have never experienced.

One of us - I won't say whom - got faceplanted right into the soft sand on one particular wave.

Best vacation ever. At LaGuardia I took a call and landed work til Christmas.
Even better.

Manhattan - always love Manhattan. This time I took Marla. She started out hating it.
I took her all over the city using the subway - which she was wary of until actually trying it.
We had lunch at Umberto's and watched as Little Italy transformed itself for the Feast of San Gennaro.


Showed her the city panorama from the Empire State Building.

Went for a walk into Central Park and watched the sun go down and Central Park West light up.

Saw the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park.
Okay, that was not too impressive.
We vowed to take the Staten Island Ferry after sundown next time.

We plowed thru the rest of the tourists along Canal Street, weaving thru knock off Rolex peddlers with shops nothing more than a suitcase at the curb of the sidewalk.
Took that over to the Bowery and walked up to 4th and hung a left and
headed in to Greenwich Village, and had a snack at Washington Square Park.

Washington Square Park (NYU)

Times Square.

Wall Street.

Little Italy.

The Met.

Now she wants to go back.

All that time I was thinking about eRepublik.
I had already done all that tourist stuff.

Together we have seen eCanada wiped from the map.
Our versatility has enhanced our multi-faceted resurgence.
We have worked hard - and earned every square inch of what we now have.

Is the job done?

Far from it.

There are many ideas concerning eCanada's future.
I have my own ideas, but I am not a party, I am a citizen.

I have decided to join a Political Party.

Tyler watches as a tumbleweed bounces gently across the page.

Now since no party currently exists which accurately reflects my own ePolitical thought, I extend an opportunity to the 5 eCanadian Parties to make their pitch to sway me into joining their party.

In order of party membership size, I will ask each party specific questions.

1. Canadian National Coalition
Q: When we succeed in re-establishing our original borders, what purpose will the party serve?
What is it's raison d'etre now?

2. Democratic Action League
Q: As for myself, I am a "Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way" person.
The DAL has a reputation of being very democratic in it's diligence and policy.
Is it a party that can also support a leader - and let that person lead?
Does everything have to be put to committee, voted on signed and approved?

3. Canadian Social Democrats
Q: Do you believe that a strong party should run a candidate of it's own in every election?

4. Canadian Paradox Party
Q: Is anyone other than Tom Hagen going to be PP?
*Nothing against Tom Hagen - I actually don't think I have even been in contact with him.

5. Canadian Progressive Front
Q: I look at the members of this party and I know many of them, and call most friends.
It appears to me that the party intends to brand itself as the "Right Opposition" in regards to it's political leaning - Center-Right, Libertarian.
How does the CPF define their role as a 'Right' alternative to the Center-Leftist parties which surround them? Banach started this party with Gofarman amongst other contibutors, and Bruck is currently the leader. Is it fair to say that this is the rebirth of the CEP? What is the party's vision of eCanada over the next 2 months?

I have been active with my Newspaper, the Soap Box. I do not hide my position on where I see eCanada in the future.

I am looking for as close a fit as possible.
I want the party to want my contribution as much as I want to contribute to the party.

Until the honeymoon is over,