Tyler F Durden Needs YOUR Help!

Day 618, 02:02 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

Tyler F Durden would like to thank everyone who has donated to Operation: Repatriation!

Together we have brought home countless eCanadians! (we'll count them when the dealin's done)

However, with the loss of Northwest Territories and the Yukon Territory, more refugees need to come home.

Right now Tyler F Durden needs Organisations which have the INCREASED STORAGE upgrade.

Tyler F Durden needs somewhere to place dozens of Moving Tickets acquired overseas for cheap.

Lets not put all of our eggs in one basket, lets have many baskets!

Together, we can repatriate an exponentially higher number of eCanadians faster if more patriotic Citizen's Organisations participate!

Post a comment below and let the floodgates open.

*****UPDATE 1*****

Tyler F Durden has been in contact with many of his loyal agents from all over the New World.

There is a recruiting drive underway to bring over high strength Citizens to aid in this - our GREATEST HOUR!

The eNations involved will not be named to protect them from PEACE GC retribution.

Have you heard...?

Is Tyler F Durden building a private army?

*****UPDATE 2*****

If you require Moving Tickets to travel to eCanada, leave a comment below,
and the calvary will be on the way!

Leave No One Behind!

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

*****UPDATE 3*****

Stay armed to the teeth! Click below to find out more!

*****UPDATE 4*****

Cascadia Industries and Taurus Industries are now working with Tyler F Durden.

They will respond with Moving Tickets for eCanadian refugees who post here.

Ads in Occupied Territories will commence at 0800 PST to maximize viewership.

*****UPDATE 5*****

If you are a foreign citizen who desires to come to eCanada to gain experience and fight in the Great Patriotic War, then leave a comment here and we'll facilitate your arrival.