tutorial: The overall approach to the game and top 20 UK-ers

Day 1,393, 11:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

The following article, the one you are reading at the moment, is going to be one of a series of game know how or tutorials. It's going to be rather short article and very general.

The overall approach to the game

This is the title. And eRepublik is the game.

Most people consider the game of eRepublik to be a massive strategy game, countries fighting over some territories and land bonuses. Or, on individual level, a strategy of developing a personal profile. Some might consider this game a RPG place to hang around. It's all right, there's more ways you can look at it. One way you can look at it, is saying this game is a simulator, that's the aspect that the game is good about anyway, a good simulator of how people's actions integrate into economy and war developments.

But let's limit this tutorial to the strategy part of it now. It is a board game, no doubt about it. You know, a game like Risk, Diplomacy, Civilization, or Chess... to name a few.

The strategy here is how to organize. For a country, nation, group or such. And then provide. Estimate strengths and agendas is the basics of it. Indoctrinate maybe. And then get along. These are the mechanics. In theory such strategies run on three levels: tactical, strategical and operational, but let's not get into military science too much.

Let's limit this tutorial on an individual strategy that a gamer should take and i will tell you my thoughts about it.

The question is really a simple one. What's the optimal approach, to develop your strength, skill, rank and experience fastest. Simple question, isn't it? Strength, skill, rank and experience, seems like four ancient elements... So, what do you do as a gamer? What learning curve do you take? Do you build all four at once or do you specialize at one at a time? Do you build your business empire first or do you spend it all straight at war day one ranking up? How much should you train? Questions like that.

Let's see how some of our famous fellow UK-ers have progressed so far.

work skill. obsolete now, but kind of opposite to rank skill
left click and view image to get a larger picture

rank. indicates the war effort or the number of kills

strength. has much effect on war influence, much more than rank

experience. indicates the number of clicks made and is your actual national rank

The conclusion.

The way we finds the optimal progress formula is short and concise:
1. Build your business empire first. Save up money until you do.
2. Train, don't fight. Build business until you train all day.
3. Maxed out your business? Training non stop? Ok, rank up now.

That's it. In case you were looking for the exact optimum progress formula, it can diverge by the way, or it may look somehow obvious, but to those that it doesn't, I hope this ideas might get you some insight into the procedure of ranking up, strengthening up, and making your citizen profile a medal shiner.

See you in next article.

Jack Jockson