Tutorial for newbies / Tutorial pentru incepatori [ English / Romanian ]

Day 462, 11:49 Published in Romania Romania by dani36
Hi 🙂 English Version after the Romanian Version

Prima saptamana in joc - Acomodare - Notiuni Generale

Acest tutorial este legat de prima saptamana in joc.Aceasta presupune foarte multa atentie , deoarece daca intelegeti inca de pe acum cum "se mananca" jocul , acesta va deveni foarte usor si placut.

In primele zile , majoritatea lucrurilor sunt legate de wellness si de skilluri.
Obiectivul unui nou venit este imbunatatirea wellnessului.
Pentru asta , va voi prezenta cum afecteaza Workul si Train-ul wellnessul dumneavoastra.

Dar mai intai?Ce este Work-ul , dar Train-ul ?

Train - Ajuta la cresterea strenghtului (puterea militara) , cu un strenght crescut va veti putea bate in razboaie, sa ajutati tara si sa va cresteti gradul (si wellnessul mergand la spital).Este foarte important sa dati Train ZILNIC.

Work - Workul aduce bani,banii cu ajutorul carora va puteti cumpara toate bunurile necesare din MarketPlace . Puteti lucra in Manufacturing , Land , Constructions.Pentru a va angaja la o companie intrati in Market-> Human Resources.
Pentru Romani : Recomandarea mea este sa va inscrieti la firmele Ministerului Muncii , deoarece acestea acorda unul din cele mai mari salarii , 1.5 RON , dar si 1 food Q1 pe zi , la cererea dumneavoastra.Trebuie mentionat ca sunteti obligat sa ramaneti 72h(3 zile) la o firma si ca puteti avea doar 1 job in acelasi timp.
Muncind , maresti stocul firmei aducand productivitatea ta in stoc.Productivitatea este influentata de skill si Wellness.

Cum afecteaza Train si Work wellnessul?

Train : -1 wellness
Work : Daca lucrezi la companie Q1 -> -1 Wellness
Daca lucrezi la companie Q2 -> -2 Wellness
Daca lucrezi la companie Q3 -> -3 Wellness
Daca lucrezi la companie Q4 -> -4 Wellness
Daca lucrezi la companie Q5 -> -5 Wellness

Cum se dezvolta skillul dumneavoastra?
Dar strength-ul?

Pentru inceput trebuie precizat ca un skill mai mare in Manufacturing/Constructions/Land va aduce totodata si cresterea salariului,direct proportional cu skillul.

In orice domeniul skillul creste in acest mo😛
Daca ai skill intre 0 si 1 -> 0.50/zi
Daca ai skill intre 1 si 2 -> 0.25/zi
Daca ai skill intre 2 si 3 -> 0.10/zi
Daca ai skill intre 3 si 4.05 -> 0.05/zi
Daca ai un skill mai mare decat 4.05 -> 0.02/zi

Trebuie mentionat ca ajungi la:

Skill 1 - Dupa 2 zile
Skill 2 - Dupa 6 zile
Skill 3 - Dupa 16 zile
Skill 4 - Dupa 36 zile
Skill 5 - Dupa 85 zile
Skill 6 - Dupa 135 zile
Skill 7 - Dupa 185 zile

La 30 de zile muncite consecutiv , primesti medalia de Hard Worker si 5 Gold.

Strength-ul creste in acest mod :
Daca ai skill intre 0 si 1 -> 1/zi
Daca ai skill intre 1 si 2 -> 0.50/zi
Daca ai skill intre 2 si 3 -> 0.20/zi
Daca ai skill intre 3 si 4 -> 0.10/zi
Daca ai skill mai mare decat 4 -> 0.04/zi

Trebuie mentionat ca dupa 1 zi ajungi la Strength 1.
Cand ajungi la strenght 5 , 10 , 15 , si tot asa[Din 5 in 5] Primesti medalia de Super Solider si 5 Gold.

Un alt punct important in primele zile,este sa iti cumperi mancare in fiecare zi!
Acest lucru il poti face de la Food ( Daca nu ai food , wellnessul va scadea , iar la wellness 0 caracterul tau va muri. )
Formula cresterii de wellness este : (1,5 – wellness actual😵 * calitatea food+casa

Gifturile.Ce sunt ele?

Gifturile sunt ajutoare pentru cresterea wellnessului.Poti primi maxim 10% wellness pe zi din ele.
1 Gift Q1 = 1% wellness
1 Gift Q2 = 2% wellness
1 Gift Q3 = 3% wellness
1 Gift Q4 = 4% wellness
1 Gift Q5 = 5% wellness

Ele trebuie trimise de alt user prin apasarea butonului OFFER GIFT de pe profilul celui caruia doreste sa ii ofere.Si tu la randul tau poti face acelasi lucru pt un alt user.

XP Points.Nivele.

Cu ajutorul XP Points urci in Nivel.Prin urcarea in nivel primesti gold si iti deblochezi diferite facilitati ale jocului.
Primesti gold dupa urmatoarea forma:
Level 6 -> 5 Gold
Level 16-24 -> 5 Gold
Level 25-26 -> 10 Gold
Level 27-29 -> 15 Gold
Level 30 -> 20 Gold

Facilitatile ce iti sunt deblocate le poti vedea aici : http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Experience_points

Dupa cum am vazut in formula de wellness casele cresc wellnessul.
Formula cresterii de wellness este : (1,5 – wellness actual😵 * calitatea food+ caliteatea casa
Casele au calitati de la 1 pana 5 , ca si foodul.
Iti poti prognoza wellnessul pe acest site : http://www.cccp-group.org/index.php?page=erep_wellnesscalc . O casa Q1 este relativ ieftina , si se poate cumpara la Nivelul 6 , cand primesti 5 gold,insa , sa asteptati sa strangeti bani pentru o casa de minim Q2.

Media este locul unde iti poti exprima opiniile legate de diferite subiecte.
Poti scrie articole de la sectiunea My Places -> Newspaper , dupa ce iti creezi un ziar , pretul acestui lucru fiind 2 Gold.

Acesta a fost tutorialul!

English Version :
First Week in Game - General

This tutorial is about the first week in game.If you are a newbie , read it with attention , to know the "secrets" of the game.

In the first days , the majority of things are about wellness and about skills.
The objective for a newbie is the improvement of the wellness.
I will present you , how work and train affect your wellness.

But first?What is work and what is train?

Train - Helps at the improvement of the strenght , with a big strenght you can fight in the battles ,help your country or improve your rank (and your wellness if you go to hospital).Its very important to TRAIN everyday!

Work - Work gives money.With money you can buy all things from MarketPlace . You can work in Manufacturing , Land , Constructions.To get a job , go to Market -> Human Resources and click on apply to get the job.You can`t resign from a company in the first 72 h and you can only have 1 job at a time

How Working and Training affects your wellness?

Train : -1 wellness
Work : If you work at Q1 -> -1 Wellness
If you work at Q2 -> -2 Wellness
If you work at Q3 -> -3 Wellness
If you work at Q4 -> -4 Wellness
If you work at Q5 -> -5 Wellness

Q:How do you raise your skill??
And the strenght?

A:Work and train.
First , if you have a big skill in manufacturing/constructions/land , you will have a big salary.So , work ONLY in one domain!

In manufacturing, land or constructions the skill rises acording to the formula :
If you have skill between 0 and 1 -> 0.50/day
If you have the skill between 1 and 2 -> 0.25/day
If you have the skill between 2 and 3 -> 0.10/day
If you have the skill between 3 and 4.05 -> 0.05/day
If you have the skill better than 4.05 -> 0.02/day

You will reach:

Skill 1 - After 2 days
Skill 2 - After 6 days
Skill 3 - After 16 days
Skill 4 - After 36 days
Skill 5 - After 85 days
Skill 6 - After 135 days
Skill 7 - After 185 days

If you work 30 days in row you will recive HardWorker Medal and 5 Gold.

At the strength the skill rises acording to the formula :
If you have the skill between 0 and 1 -> 1/day
If you have the skill between 1 and 2 -> 0.50/day
If you have the skill between 2 and 3 -> 0.20/day
If you have the skill between 3 and 4 -> 0.10/day
If you have the skill better than 4 -> 0.04/day

When you reach strength 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , etc You recive Super Solider medal and 5 Gold.

Another important question is to BUY FOOD or you will die [If you eat , you will raise your wellness]
You can do this from Food
The wellness formula is : (1,5 – actual wellness😵 * Food Quality + House Quality


With the gifts you can raise your wellness with 10%/day
1 Gift Q1 = 1% wellness
1 Gift Q2 = 2% wellness
1 Gift Q3 = 3% wellness
1 Gift Q4 = 4% wellness
1 Gift Q5 = 5% wellness

You can't offer to YOU a gift,You can offer gifts only to the other citizens.Maybe you can do a gift exchange

XP Points.Levels.

With XP Points you can level UP.If you raise your level you receive gold and you'll unlock features.
You receive gold for:
Level 6 -> 5 Gold
Level 16-24 -> 5 Gold
Level 25-26 -> 10 Gold
Level 27-29 -> 15 Gold
Level 30 -> 20 Gold

You can see the unlocked features here : http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Experience_points

The houses raise your wellness.
[See the formula : The wellness formula is : (1,5 – actual wellness😵 * Food Quality + House Quality ]

Media is the place where you can write about the events from eRepublik.
You can write articles at My Places -> Newspaper , after you make a newspaper , for 2 Gold.

With respect,
Gazeta de Romania


(c) Academia eRomana
(c) Romainian Academy