Tuscany has High Stone resource

Day 825, 04:38 Published in Italy Italy by supermaghe

From wikipedia:

Carrara (Tuscany) marble has been used since the time of Ancient Rome; the Pantheon and Trajan's Column in Rome are constructed of it. Many sculptures of the Renaissance, such as Michelangelo's David, were carved from Carrara marble. For Michelangelo at least, Carrara marble was valued above all other stone, except perhaps that of his own quarry in Pietrasanta (Tuscany, again). The Marble Arch in London and the Duomo di Siena are also made from this stone. Manila Cathedral's Interiors are made of Carrara Marble in Romanesque Design.

The statue to Robert Burns which commands a central position in Dumfries was carved in Carrara by Italian craftsmen working to Amelia Paton Hill's model. It was unveiled by future UK Prime Minister, Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery on 6 April 1882.[1]
In addition to the marble quarries, the city has academies of sculpture and fine arts and a museum of statuaries and antiquities. The local marble is exported around the world, and marble from elsewhere is also fashioned and sculpted commercially here.
An international stone and machinery exhibition, CarraraMarmotec, takes place in Carrara.

Also note that:
The amount of stone production per country in 2007: (of countries in eRepublik)
* China – around 22 million
* India – around 21.5 million
* Iran – around 11 million
* Italy – around 10 million
* Turkey – around 9.5 million

Carrara's marble is known worldwide as one of the most important building material. Please vote this article and sign the open letter to inform the admins about that:

