Turning Point

Day 1,005, 10:21 Published in Canada Canada by OsricWindsmir

I wrote an article not to long ago about how the war agaist UK was a mistake. I eventually just deleted it because the majority of people who commented flat out attacked me instead of listening to what I had to say. The eCanada offensive pushed far into eUK, does that make my assumption wrong? No because as I had said eUK has a lot of MPP's with other countries and we don't have the allies to sustain such an invasion. Only 1 of our allies (ePoland) attacked eUK to assist our invasion, and they took SW of England. Did they hold it? Nope they let UK take it back and ePoland never stepped onto eUK soil again. When eCanada reached Southern eUK and France entered the war fully (as expected) the French took SE of England and East Midlands. Seems like their MPP’s work after all. Also eUK took back West Midlands. This marks an unfortunate but expected turning point in the war. There is also talk of the "Brolliance" with eUS. They attacked Russia as a distraction, sure that was nice but they lost Far East Russia to eNK and as mentioned we lost 3 regions. Some alliance. eUS could have just declared war on eUK and eFrance to help fight off the counter-offensive.
“The president of Canada proposed a peace treaty with eUK” [2 days ago]. Acadia didn’t you say you were coming for John Bartlett? The economy hasn’t improved like you said either Acacia and with this turning point there is a possibility of eUK and eFrance knocking on our door and making our economy theirs.
Let me be clear though. I do not support eUK or eFrance. I have stepped foot on the battlefield many times in this war. I support eCanada, I just do not support the way this war is being handled. If our “Brolliance” was used more effectively there would not have been a turning point and the counter-offensive would have been easily been brushed off. Acacia and others will tell you that the war is going just dandy. I implore you all to keep an open mind about this war and the current situation.