TTFT- MA Congressional Candidate Canni

Day 667, 17:43 Published in USA USA by Canni

Hi my name is Canni and I plan to run for Congress in the great state of Massachusetts. This state was my first choice for this congressional election mainly because I have family that in Massachusetts and I find it a very pleasant and friendly place to be. I will be running under the Libertarian banner, hopefully but not confirmed, with USWP endorsement.

1. Last attempt at congress July '09
2. Getting to know Canni
3. My change of Party
4. My political stand / platform

1.Last attempt at congress July '09

A little insight into my political history in regards to congress. I lost the election to the popular Seth Ford of the UIP in the state of New Mexico. As we look forward into this loss, Seth Ford went AWOL after his win and wasted his seat in congress. As the day went on I was worried about the Democratic party's Kyle Galli who was running with the AAP endorsement. We had a close race and the vote was only off by one. In the event of a tie I would have won based on experience. At about 1030 -11 Server time UIP jumped 10 votes to pass both of us. Assumedly due to moving votes. I was sniped and was denied my chance at congress. Come the next election the war broke out and the USWP, my party at the time, decided not to run all their candidates. This being said, in the spirits of war, I joined the army and did my part for America.

2. Getting to know Canni

Out of Game:

My Real name is Sean and I am a 19 year old college student. I am going to Old Dominion University on a full ride NROTC Scholarship. I am majoring in Mechanical Engineering Technology, so I can go to nuclear engineering school, Charleston, N.C. Being on a ROTC scholarship I obligated to the navy. Once I graduate college I will receive my commission, for those who do not know what that means it means I will be an officer.

I have been an Eagle Scout since 2004. Since then I have received the presidential youth leadership award and the congressional gold award, the only medal given out by congress. I received the congressional award for 5k hours of community service and leadership within a year and a half. I received the Presidential Youth Leadership award for my dedication to various projects including the whole south east of the U.S., Maryland Down to Florida. I received the SAR's Cadet of the Year award this year and the National Eagle Scout of the Year.

In Game:

I was hatched Day 533 as a V 1.0 baby. From there I was forced to plunge into the game, I had no help. Soon I join the USWP and got involved with the TD. After my failure getting into congress in July I took a step up in the military and went into the eUS army, where I am currently a SNCO or Supply Non-Commissioned Officer. I also worked in the intelligence agency from an early age here in Erep. From there I became head of an Intel branch. I currently hold the job of Secretary of Intelligence in charge of all intelligence departments. This means I serve in the Presidential cabinet. I know I am being very vague, but it is intel...get use to it. I might want to add that I have a good handle on game mechanics.

3. My change of Party

I wanted to briefly explain why I am in the Libertarian Party versus the USWP. When I first joined I realized right away that the eRep parties were nothing like real life parties. I am conservative at heart so many of the parties here were immediately turned off to me. I was down to two choices, The Libertarians which are not libertarians and the USWP status quo and such. Claire Littleton is a monster and a troll and a blah blah blah, in short I don't like her as much as she might or might not deserve. Next choice is the USWP, where I made my home. Once DaphneLilac took over the Libs I had nothing against them anymore and they became neutral to me. Now for the party change. I like the USWP a lot and they will always be my friends and my first party. Their leadership is solid and their membership base is the best in the game. That was the problem I had with them. I felt I was not doing my part to really make the party better. Thus I am with the Libertarian Party now in hopes to make it better.

4. My political stand / platform

There is a great strategic gain to be had by possessing many MPPs. The more allies a country has the more damage they do and most importantly in the current game module the better fighting advantage they can have due to blocking, as demonstrated by eCanada and eColombia. I encourage MPPs and find them the best advantage a country could possibly have.

Social welfare-
With the war going there should not be any players in Massachusetts. I encourage all players that are currently in MA. to move to Florida ASAP. If you are having issues with funding please contact me and I will see if I can get you a ticket out of Massachusetts. How will this affect my voter base. Well, I shouldn't have one....When the war is over and if I am still in congress I will work on getting MA. a new hospital.

I will be open for discussion with any citizen of MA. about proposed bills, potential bills, advice, or concerns. I will also keep you informed about what is going on in congress through this newspaper.

Defense of our nation-
I am a big supporter of our nation's military, being in it myself. I recommend citizens join the military and gather all the benefits that come there after. If the military is not your thing please keep checking the DoD Daily Orders to see where you can fight more effectively.

Individual endorsements
Kyle Galli - Former PP and opponent last July
AWebb85 - opponent last July
Daphne Lilac - Libertarian Party President

Please Vote Canni for MA. Sept. 25th

~ Canni
Secretary of Intelligence
Presidential Cabinet Member
US army SNCO 4th Division
Libertarian Party Director of Communications
Loyal American

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