Trying to Wrap Things Up

Day 719, 08:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Well, I am in the process of transitioning the MoNC over to BuddySilver. I have supreme confidence that Buddy will continue in the same manner as I have been doing. Quite possibly he can improve on it.

I have a comparison of activity for the first term to the second term.

First Term Second Term

#Contacted 472 472
Level 10 42 135
Level 5 137 178
fell off 202 374
Responded 159 145
Moved 8 7

Retention percentages are based on how many fall off and how many reach level 10 out of the total number contacted. These numbers lag because we need to wait for groups to close out before we can get a final tally. The fact that we has such a huge amount of bans this past term affected the numbers.

Our baseline retention rate at the beginning of the first term was 21.4% on a rolling 7 day average. I chose the rolling 7 day as the best indicator of how different actions affected the numbers. I noted when a minstry made changes to their policies to see how they affected retention numbers.

For example, when I added the Level 5 and Level 10 messages our retention rate went up to 26.2%. When the Health Ministry added their sign up sheets the retention rate increased to 28.7%. When the IDF was revamped, it went up again.

You remember that I had reported that our retention was at 40% correct? It was, until the bans started coming through and I had to adjust the numbers accordingly. The first term had no bans whatsoever, and then during the second term bans were popping up all over the place. One day had 15 bans alone. The baseline retention percentage was adjusted down to 21.4% and the rest of the numbers were adjusted as well.

I really don't like it when people multi. I'm better at recognizing people who do and have remained cautious in reporting figures until the groups are totally closed out. They inevitably get caught.

Recently, I noticed a drop in retention rate. Not much, but a definite drop. I think if we can get the Mentor Program running full steam again, that this will boost those rates back up. That is our most immediate need.

I also want to clear up a misconception. Some people are saying we are losing citizens by the 100's. This is false. They are trying to further their own agenda, by scaring people into hasty action. Our population was at 1573 at it's peak. We are currently at 1528. Does this look like we are losing people by the 100's to you?

Make sure you are thinking with your own mind and not simply jumping on the bandwagon. Such claims should have a basis in fact. Ask questions. Don't blindly follow what is popular at the time. You have a brain in your head. Use it.

Until next time,

Edana Savage
Minister of Education
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry, 2nd Term
Former Minister of New Citizens, Two Terms