Truth is Forever on the Scaffold

Day 1,113, 03:13 Published in USA USA by Samuel Seabury

" And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved."
- 2 Thessalonians 8-10

"Truth is forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne—yet that scaffold sways the future, and behind the dim unknown, stands God within the shadow keeping watch above His own."
- James Russell Lowell

It is not always that I can pay such tribute to the sheer artistry, the kabuki-like political ballet that poses for politics in the eUSA. No sooner did this virtual nation conduct an exciting and in many ways interesting political contest for President than did the winner - who I might point out won by a mere plurality in an unusually close contest - proclaims himself "Supreme Chancellor" and denounces his former opponents as enemies of the state.

And what is more depressing...his former opponents go along with this charade. Oh, yeah, his party is also renamed the "Party of the Revolution". What better backdrop for a reiteration of that James Russell Lowell quote -

"Truth is - forever - on the scaffold". And forever is a very long time. What in eternity are these people up to ?

I think it goes without saying that, despite my support for Mr. Frost and his running mate, it was not actually "good" government we expected out of these guys. Any government that includes Woxan in its cabinet is suspect at best, and the elitist overtones were and are quite obvious. But it is quite painful to see the eUSA elite consuming its own flesh, taking more and more extreme gestures to maintain its Svengali-like strangehold on the eUSA public. The entire sense of commonwealth, of a government that is actually responsible to the electorate seems quite lost on these guys. Another month will come and go, and despite the outrageous posturing, NOTHING will change.

I cannot help but think that the whole point of this charade is to grant the illusion of change without actually doing anything substantively different. Well, yes, we did make this very point in our article "We Shall Overcome"

but perhaps you weren't reading the fine print. That said, some sense of propriety, of common decency, at least the idea that WYSIWYG, ought to be respected. Now, in a real pinch, we always have the Eight Imperatives of Inactivity. And if enough of us adopted that approach, we would have a general strike. Long live the counter-counter-counterrevolution.

Samuel Seabury