Truth In Action: Franz Kafka For President

Day 746, 13:31 Published in Israel Israel by Hyman Roth

Fellow Citizens of Israel,

There are moments when we must take action. Occasions when we, the citizens of Israel, must stand united against the lurking enemies at home and the barking enemies at our borders. And there are critical moments when the small yet proud State of Israel stares destiny in the eye.

Rarely do these moments merge into a critical, shinning moment. Today is that day, when each and every citizen has the power to save a faltering Israel. Today, my friends, we must Vote for Franz Kafka.

Make no mistake, the weight of today's decision shall dictate the course, if not the livelihood, of our beloved country like none other in our brief, troubled history. This is not simply a vote. It is a choice. A choice between the dim, adolescent treachery of yesterday, or the trusting, mature, prosperous tomorrow that a Franz Kafka Presidency shall deliver. A choice between the failed policies of closed-door politics and lethargic leadership of a current administration, or the experienced, transparent democracy promised by a Franz Kafka administration. A critical choice, my fellow citizens, between placing our shared future into the hands of those who stare longingly at the abyss of personal glory, public disregard, and institutional lies; or embracing the long-overdue emergence of a leader who is of, for, and by the people of Israel - embracing Franz Kafka as our next President.

There will doubtlessly be the tired, familiar voices of descent. They will wrap themselves in the cloak of arrogant insight and experience - insight and experience that, when absent of the revisionist history they've portrayed, is exposed as nothing but theft, treachery, a brand of domestic and international politics that have failed... over, and over, and over again.

The time is clearly here to break free from the shackles of yesterdays failures and embarrassment. With a vote for Franz Kafka, you stand strong and unified with the citizens of Israel who ache for a fruitful, secure, functional nation. Help sheppard our beloved Israel towards her promise of destiny. Vote for Truth in Action. Vote Franz Kafka.