Truth by Pedjat

Day 1,444, 06:01 Published in China Poland by tha ruthless
To Turks I know a lot of you won't like this article, but what is shown here is truth. We all know that Truth - Hurts.

turks are screaming 'perm ban Pedjat' . But what wrong did he do? He insulted islam, muslims? I know he did a wrong thing by showing his emotions in this game and maybe too radical but don't jump on this Turk bandwagon - ' perm ban pedjat '

Every religion must be respected. But Turks you shouldn't cry all over the game how bad Pedjat is. He mixed real life issues with this game.. and hey, i want to add something about real life too. And then tell me if you still want to join turks bandwagon, aka crybabies.

Muslims praying in Europe, France. This is EUROPE, not Turkey or Saudi Arabia!! What are you doing??

What do you think about these pictures?

An article from

As Muslims are the fastest-growing group in Europe (by 2025, Muslims will make up 10% of Europe's population, from 4% today), it is important that they are socially, politically and economically integrated. If not, the result will be the human and economic waste of unemployment, bitterness and possibly further radicalization and violence.

Integration results. There are two standards against which the incorporation of Muslims in Europe can be judge😛 economic (how people are doing in terms of earnings and employment); and attitudinal (how people feel).

In both France and the United Kingdom, Muslims' economic integration has been poor. In both, unemployment is high (above 20% and sometimes approaching 40😵 among Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and North Africans. Earnings are also weak: According to 2000 data, male Bangladeshis were earning about three-quarters the average wage.

--U.K. Muslims. Attitudes toward non-Muslim Britons were thoroughly negative: Clear majorities viewed them as selfish, arrogant, violent, greedy and immoral, and a substantial minority as fanatical. Only a minority of U.K. Muslims viewed their fellow citizens as respectful of women, tolerant, honest or devout.

Prominent German banker says, “I don’t need to respect anyone who lives off the state, denies the state, and just produces headscarf girls”

Multiculturalism in Germany has 'utterly failed', claims Chancellor Angela Merkel

Read more:

Another great article

Muslims try to claim England's streets

Ending words : Do not expect people to like you, because of what you do to Europe in real life. In the future, there will be more people like Pedjat. Believe me, i've been in Europe many times - people hate muslims there. Not because you are muslims, but because of what i've shown you in this article.