
Day 704, 16:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Such a small word, but it has such an impact. Trust is a powerful force, but at the same time fragile and extremely difficult to mend once it is broken.

We have seen our share of characters who have broken the public's trust, or have taken advantage or another's kindness. Some thought to go out with a bang and others simply have sticky fingers. Others are just too lazy to give a damn.

Dash has once again published his spreadsheet. I encourage you to examine it thoroughly.

When you vote for someone you are giving them your trust. You trust that they will do what they say they will do. You trust that they will debate the issues with your best interests in mind. You trust that they will vote on key issues. You trust that they will show up and do the job they have signed up to do.

Now we all have RL circumstances that must be addressed. After all, this is ultimately a game. There are plenty of examples of the correct way to responsibly see your work through or to abdicate and transfer that responsibility to another. To be elected to the TD is not something that should be taken lightly. It should be seen as an opportunity to serve and not an opportunity to fleece. To be elected and receive the 5G and then do nothing is theivery plain and simple.

Even though we had fewer TD's resign this term, we still had a Dail that at least half of the members were inactive or just didn't show up. Those who were voted in again did perform admirably with one or two exceptions. The numbers don't lie. Pretty words are just that, pretty words. But to see someone do what they say they will do and to see them participate and vote on the issues, this shows us commitment, dedication, and integrity. These things build trust.

So as you go to the polls in a few hours, keep in mind what you want to see for Ireland. What you want to see for yourselves. Who do you trust with your elives?

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens, 2nd Term
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry

"Ireland Is Still Growing Strong"