Trolling Congress #1

Day 1,772, 11:53 Published in Canada Canada by Karabinatos

Hello everyone!

Nice to see that the Canadian Progressive Front has managed to win 18 congress seats. I am not going to be judgmental here and point fingers, but I must say that some actions of congress candidates have not been very nice and fair.

But let’s move forward.
I do not approve that a NE against Poland has even been proposed. I mean, what were you thinking? (again I am not going to say names). Who wants that to lose all territories to major force like Poland. I was glad that last war with them was over. Good thing that people that are in congress have voted against (Yes:9 No:26) Does anyone remember the times? It is sad that picture is worth a 1000 words.

Rather than going against them I would support going against weaker enemy to get some bonus regions that we do not have.
When Jacobi (former CP) asked Canadians to fill in the form regarding the question of lending our territories for money to our allies, I got to a solution that is acceptable to me, because I do not agree to swap territory for money.

That is one way to go, but I have another way and it is just an idea.

Let's say there are 3 countries.
Country 1 needs Iron and has Fruits.
Country 2 needs Fruits and has Oil.
Country 3 needs Oil and has Iron.
So Country 1 would give Country 2 Fruits, Country 2 would give Country 3 Oil and Country 3 would give Country 1 Iron.
That way everyone is happy. It is a trading circle 😃

Moving on, lately there were a lot of rumors regarding the military funding.
What would I do regarding MU funding:
-Give money to MU’s according to the number of active soldiers
-Make money reserves (in case of a highly important battle to instantly supply active troops)
-And supply troops weekly (this is done in CAF)

I do not agree with commune work because it prevents new players to earn money from outside, but wages these days are so small that commune work is acceptable.

And one last thing tomorrow will expire the MPP's with South Africa and the Philippines. Just remaining you and asking, would you like to renew it? I am interested in your opinions, so if you want to, fill in this form. Hope to get many responses.

I know I am new at this, and if you even think to comment something like: "we have been doing that for I don't know how many years", please before commenting press Alt+F4 🙂

Go Canada! 😃
Take care, Gunny165