Travesty and Injustice against the New Conservative Pary

Day 1,426, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Axe238Man

It is about time that someone spoke out about some things in this game. Recently a friend of mine, One Pizza the Hut created a political party to match his political ideas of self sufficiency, and community betterment. Where any one that wanted to play the game could be someone. It is sad that a few megalomaniacs who are only interested in how many Battle Hero awards they can heap to themselves have taken over the game.

I remember when the big server blow up came. Nothing short of the great flood come to think of it as far as the game is concerned; But a lot of my friends went away after that. Then the game changed. It is colder and less fun than it used to be because of certain people that think they and their wishes are more important than anyone else.

Still when people decide the hate someone so bad that they would take over his party not once but twice, something must be said and something must be done. The time is now. The place is here.

The most recent take over by one sad ugly puppy named "Deershark" is the perfect example. He based his questionable campaign on flat out lies. His slanderous accusations were not only unprovable but had no basis in fact.
yet he got away with it. Please people, if you are told something do you just blindly accept it? Please do a little more research on some of these things. So Deershark somehow got enough votes to squeak by a take over a party that he id not create nor belong to. I am sure he thought it was funny to change the name of the "New Conservative Party" to "My Little Pony". But it says more about him than anything else.

If Deershark did this to us, he will certainly do it to you. He can't be trusted. He is in it only for himself. The first time you don't follow his rules you will left in the delta of destruction that is his life. He should be ostracized for what he did. He stole something that was not his, and he destroyed property that belonged to others. It is people like him that are ruining the game for everyone else. I would say he should be ashamed of himself but that would require a conscience and he threw that away long ago.

Also see this article