Transport For London (Vote up)

Day 451, 10:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Transport for London

The most important thing for you to do today…

From the Ministry of Migration and Support (MoMaS)

(Please vote up, it’s very important)

If you’re relatively new to eUK you may not know or have heard about the importance of leaving the region of London.

Why would you want to leave London?

There are a number of reasons and they all stem from the same cause - overcrowding. It has over twice the number of citizens then the next most populous region, and six times as many as the least populous.

London – 1260

South East – 613

East of England – 211

North East - 233

Firstly, this large concentration of citizens puts an enormous strain on the London Clinic in providing its citizens with their 10 wellness a day. This is bad for the clinic, but it’s worse for you, the citizens of London! After a hard days working, training, buying food, writing on the forums, you get home and don’t get your wellness!! This isn’t because the London clinic is too poor. This isn’t because the director is lazy. This isn’t because you don’t deserve your 10-a-day! It is because your clinic has over 1200 mouths to feed and only one day to do it in. A higher wellness directly influences your strength on the battlefield. It is also vital to your productivity at work; the better you do at work the more chances of a raise and so more money for you!

Secondly, for you politically minded tycoons your career on the big stage is ten times as difficult in London as it is outside it. Not only do you have a number of political heavyweights already very well established in London, you are contending with the largest pool of potential congressmen in the whole of the eUK! Your career in Government could do with a well deserved boost by moving out of London. Some of the least populated regions cry out for equality in the political spectrum. Are you going to leave the regions to despots to stamp their political brand on the countryside without a fight?

Thirdly, the defence of our sovereign nation relies on a number of factors and one of those is the concentration of citizens (the more, the higher the defence). London, which is landlocked, is relatively safe, while the regions are at risk. You would be doing the greatest service to Britannia by moving to the regions and boosting their defences.

Moving out of London has exactly NO! disadvantages while the advantages of doing so are clear from the above. Also, if you’re concerned, moving does NOT require you to change your job.

The Ministry together with Transport For London will provide anyone in London with a FREE transport ticket for you to move anywhere in the eUK.

To get your free ticket search for Transport For London in-game and send them a message requesting a ticket. In fact, copy and past this below! (We couldn’t make it any easier) –

I would like to move out of London, could you please send me a ticket.

Thank you.

Where to move to?

Well that’s up to you. But I can tell you some of the best places (because the population is low and the quality of the hospitals at least 3) to move to are the East of England, the North East, Wales or Northern Island.

To find out the basics of each region; click on your in-game picture, click on the region you are currently in (next to your name), then click on Country and Society just beneath the list of tabs and you’ll find a list of the regions, click on any one of them to see some information.

I would also like to say, join the forums. If only to read them and comment on a few items that take your fancy. There is no excuse not to and you’ll enjoy eRep even more.

To join, go here -

Accept, fill in your details and you’ll move as close as you can get the eUK heart and lungs without actually being inside them.

For more detailed information on the regions go here -

For more information on MoMaS, leaving London and Transport For London go here -

The Oyster Card is the Transport For London newspaper. It has written many articles like these and if you search for it in-game it’ll give EVEN MORE! Information on what to do, why and how.

So get up, do your duty and leave smog filled, polluted London and visit our regions, they need you! There is no reason, no excuse and logic not to do so.

Please vote this up, it’s very important.

From the Ministry of Migration and Support