Training with Napoleon

Day 764, 04:00 Published in Canada Philippines by Leannonn Elrinndael

Yes, I know - we don't like Lana and we don't like her friends and they're going to kill the game, but let's put that aside for a moment.

My strength was 18.518 yesterday. In order to get my fourth Super Soldier medal, I needed 1.482 strength points or (at 0.04 points per day) 38 days of training 🙁 I've been playing eRepublik for a while and I'm used to it - spending weeks and months working and training, collecting Hard Worker and Super Soldier medals, fighting daily in order to increase my damage and become a Field Marshal and so on. I can't say I've not enjoyed it - I wouldn't be here otherwise. The world is changing and so is our eWorld. Are the new rules always fair? No. Are they always good? No. What do we do in RL? We adjust. And we'll do the same here. There are three choices - [1] stop playing the game, [2] ignore Lana and her friends or [3] train with them.

So, I've started training with Napoleon this morning. The +200% training modifier means that I'll be receiving 0.12 strength points each day, instead of only 0.04 and it will cost me 1.8G per day. I intend to train with him for the next 12 days, so on day 775 my strength will be 19.958 - two more days of training on my own and day 777 should be a perfect day for the medal 🙂 The cost? I will spend 21.6G. Will it be worth it? I think so. Could I spend my gold on something else? Probably, but I've spent it on so many other things already. Getting stronger certainly isn't the worst thing in the eWorld to spend your gold on 🙂 Should you spend all your gold on training? Of course not - you wouldn't want to spend all of your gold on gifts, weapons or wellness packs either, would you? O😉

The bottom line is that now there is a way to get stronger faster. Will you use it?

Take care,