training ground

Day 2,027, 01:04 Published in India India by Naashak

Training is the most important thing in Erepublik (after working) Training will give you strength and this strength will make you stronger on the battlefield to help our country and its allies(friends).
To join training grounds, Click on “my places” and on the second tabs, and you will see this

Some explanations about this picture

Red = your current training grounds and their quality
The stars (*😉 indicate the quality level

Green = Selection of the training grounds, If you don’t use it will be white, once selected it becomes black and once used it becomes green

Blue = cost of the use of each training grounds

Mauve = Strength that you will receive by using the training grounds

To Train :
1) Click the “citizen” near from the training grounds that you want to use, once selected, it must change in black.
2)Click on Train and you will see a pic like this

ATTENTION : Don’t use your gold to train if you are a young player !!!!
Use only the free one

PS : the “citizen” is here in green, it means that I already used these training grounds since day change


1) Weight room: each time you use it :you will gain 5 strength and the cost is free.

2) The climbing center : each time that you will use it : you will gain 2.5 strength but it will cost you (0.19) Gold.

3) The Shooting range : each time that you will use it : you will gain 5strength but it will cost you (0.89)Gold.

4) The special forces center : each time that you will use it : you will gain 10 strength but it will cost you (1.79) Gold.

Attention : These buildings are not mandatory to play, you only gain strength faster in exchange of gold (It is not a good idea for a young player). .

Upgrade a training grounds
Click on the small arrow near from the “+” and click on the arrow near from the training grounds that you want to upgrade)

Example : with my shooting range
Once that I clicked on the arrow near from it, I will see this

It means that if I want to upgrade this training grounds into quality 2 : it will cost be 20G. each time that I will use it, I will gain 10 Strength and it will cost me 0.89G.

If I want it in quality 3 : it will cost me 70G (50G if it was in quality 2), each time that I will use it, I will gain 15 strength and it will cost me 0.89G
Once you decided to upgrade : click on the button “upgrade” and you will see a message that your training grounds has been upgraded.

PS: upgrade only on offer periods.

Table: which shows the strength of each training ground

Why upgrade a training grounds

Well, I don’t hide that it is an investment but it is a good one and at long term : it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose money.
First of all, Try to upgrade when you see that kind of promo

PS: This offer reduces the cost of upgrading your training ground by 44% .upgrade your TG when you see this kind of promo.

Each training facility has different kind of effects to your training.






upgrade cost:


If you click on it : you are redirected to special item page and you can see these 2 items available

PS: the 90 % contract costs 55g now

What these contracts means ?
It means that if you pay 25 Gold : Your training costs will be 50% less during 30 days and if you pay 55G : they will be 90% less during the same amount of time.

Does it useful ?
Yes and NO, that’s why I published this article.
Yes for some people, and NO for some people too. It only depend from what training grounds you use. That’s what I’m explaining just below
When It isn’t useful
Case 1:
You only use the First training ground (whatever its quality)

Daily cost for using this training grounds = 0G. In 30 days, your cost will be 0G (and on the same time, you will gain some gold by using it)
Because your training cost = 0G in 30 days : You have NO REASON to take a contract (and burn at least 25G)

case 2:

You use the first and the second Training grounds
Daily cost for the first one = 0
Daily cost for the second one = 0.19G
In 30 days, your cost will be : 30 X (0 + 0.19) = 5.7G
Because your total cost is below the price of a contract : you have NO REASON to sign a contract.

case 3

You use the first, second and third ones
Here, your daily cost is 0 + 0.19G + 0.89G = 1.08G and your total cost : 30 X 1.08G = 32.4G
If you sign a 50% contract, it will be : 25G + (30 X 0.54G) = 41.2G
If you sign a 90% Contract, it will be : 53G + (30 X 0.108G) = 56.24G

Sign a contract will make you lost more Gold than if you don’t take one => NO REASON TO SIGN
When it is useful


You use the first, second and last ones
Your daily cost = 0 + 0.19 + 1.79 = 1.98G and your total cost is 30 X 1.98G = 59.4G
If you sign a 50% contract , it will be : 25G + (30X 0.99G) = 54.7G
If you sign a 90% Contract, it will be : 53G + (30 X 0.198G) = 58.94G

It means that if you take a 50% contract, you will save 4.7G and if you sign a 90% one, you save 0.46G.

Sign a 50% contract will make you save almost 5G when the 90% one is almost useless : Take the 50% contract in that case


You use all Training grounds

Your daily cost = 0 + 0.19 + 0.89 + 1.79 = 2.87G and your total cost is 86.1G

If you sign a 50% contract , it will be : 25G + (30X 1.435G) = 68.05G.

If you sign a 90% Contract, it will be : 53G + (30 X 0.287G) = 61.61G.

If you use all training grounds : sign a contract is ESSENTIAL, the 50% one will make you save 18.05G when the 90% one is able to make you save 24.49G.

Here : Sign a 90% contract, if you don’t have enough gold : try to sign a 50% one

Well, this article was a little bit long and even if you didn’t read all, I made a summary just for you.

Training contract are good but only in some cases :
• Don’t sign a training contract as long as you don’t use the last training grounds
• Sign a 50% contract only if you use the first, second and last training grounds
• Sign a 90% contract only if you use all training grounds
PS : Before sign a contract, Try to upgrade your training grounds.