Training Companies' "Newbies' Food Distribution (NFD)" programme

Day 1,006, 05:31 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Zyleris

Training company will officially supply free breads for newbies through your orgs starting now due to the severity of the economy in eMalaysia. Do you wish to help? If so, then this is the place for you!!

How it work? (Internally)
1. Training company will post limited market offer of Q1 food (1.5 health, 1.5 happiness) in Malaysia Marketplace of 1MYR.
2. Zlr Org will buy food from Marketplace with exact total amount.
3. The food will goes to "supporting org or personnel" for distribution of foods to newbies and the rest will donated it back to Training companies' org.
4. Training companies' org will donated the same amount of MYR spent on food.
(At this point, only 5% of the VAT will end up in Country's account.)
5. Any leftover food in training companies will be donated out to Supporting orgs as well.

In summary, Supporting orgs will received only foods donation from ZLR Org or Training Companies' Org. 5% of VAT will end up in country's account.
Supporting orgs will then need to distribute it freely to corresponding newbies.

Food order
Before everything else, you will need to post required information in this thread
1)Post the amount of foods you want to have in this thread.
2)And most importantly, you need to state which org you want to sent it to?

The food will be delivered to you in a day or two, mostly around this time.

Participating as a supporting org, Registration
Rumah Anak Yatim (RAY) & Social Office (SO) have automatically been recognized, thus registration for RAY and SO is not required.

If any of you, personnel or org, wish to participate in distribution of free foods for newbies while getting free food, you will need to:
1) post you resume,
2) your profile links and
3) Org's links.
4) You have to state why you wish to join?
5) You have to get the endorsement either from RAY, Social Office, or current acting CP
(it is just a protocol to fend off unwanted personnels and orgs)

1) You will have to distribute free foods to a "true" newbies & not for personal's gains, in order words, it should be a non-profitable work.
2) Coordinations with SO and/or RAY is required to prevent overlapping issues from occurring. For this, Buntak will be the coordinator.
3) Supporting Orgs will be required to give out this form to be filled in by your corresponding Newbies:
4)You have to report back what you have done with the foods, by filling in this form regularly:

Training company org will not distribute any free foods to newbies. It will only supply foods to Supporting orgs. (To learn how to become one, please read "Participating as a supporting org, Registration") Supporting orgs will act as an anchor between two sides.

Note that we prefer you would give them foods only if they PM to you (daily/weekly). However, the choice is up to you.

Personal thought:
You guys better TO back eMalaysia otherwise 5%VAT MYR in there will be gone.

All & All, In Summary
1) Register in here:
2) Hand out this form to be filled in by corresponding Newbies:
3) Post the amount of foods you need in here and state your orgs to?:
4) I will sent the foods to your orgs
5) Your orgs will sent out the foods to Newbies.
6) You will need to fill in this form then, as a report:

All suggestion are welcome there

Foods order and Registration are all in this thread.