Trainer's Corner

Day 1,319, 15:56 Published in USA USA by Technician

Have you wondered why I call my paper Trainer's Corner?

I have always played the game first and foremost with one goal in mind to help others playing the game, so everybody enjoys this game.

I am not an elitist I will not try and impose my will on any player in this game.

I am not an egotist I am not running for PotUS because I think it will be cool to get a brand new medal.

I am not just a soldier out to fight only for the eMilitary.

I am not inexperienced; I am a two year old player and I have been a leader from the start but I never been lost fact that it is not only about me..... Listen first.

I am ready, I am here to listen and help everybody.

Listen first, you only talk after you listen and truly understand the player you are talking to; anything else leads to misunderstandings, flame wars and bad feelings.

I will listen to everybody, any party and for the matter any country we have to build trust to win back our players and allies and we do this with Integrity

..... and do not worry, the eUSA will be back.