Total breakdown of SDP

Day 979, 15:17 Published in United Kingdom Cyprus by Viperb10

Hello everyone, as you all know (or should know) the congress results have been announced and by now you are either A) Taking no notice of the elections as you don’t care 😎 Checking which of your part members got into congress or C) Making jokes about parties who failed to win seats.

Looks like some people forgot to show up

Now in this article I'm going to concentrate the party to which I'm currently a member of, the [art being of course the Social Democratic Party (SDP) now as most of you probably know after the last PP election the party was split. Our current part president Melophore was elected into power then soon afterwards a new party was formed, The real Democrats (TRD) this breakaway party consisted of members who did not approve of Melophore being PP or those who had been lied to and promises broken.

Chopped in half but neither side is dead

I decided to ask the PP of TRD Artela two questions about the split so you may know the truth behind the story.

Q: What was the main reason for breaking away from SDP?

A: The main reason for breaking away from SDP was that Melophore made it clear that under him the party would be a dictatorship and not a democracy - those of us that left thought a democratic party should be a democracy.

Now another commonly asked question about the TRD-SDP split is will the TRD still remain next month if Melophore is no longer PP.

Q: Will TRD carry on if Melophore does not run or get elected for PP again?

A: After the success of TRD in the recent Congress Elections we currently have every intention of continuing and trying to make this a successful party.

So as you can see the TRD currently wish to carry on growing and after gaining 3 congress seats in the very same month they were formed I wish them luck, now I wish to turn full attention to the SDP and the latest congress elections. Now before I address some of the problems I first wish to congratulate some members of the SDP these are SpeedKing, ProudtobeBritish and Andalas for they secured 3 congress seats for the SDP. Now 3 seats isn’t usually bad until you look at the figures of the party, the SDP currently has a total of 176 members, out of those 176 members 37 are dying slowly (players who have quit and are starving) that means the SDP have a total of 139 actives. So that is potentially 139 votes to share out between the candidates obviously this doesn’t happen and each player has the freedom to vote for who they want and where they want, now if you look at the total votes for all SDP candidates those elected into power and those who did not make the grade. Between all the SDP candidates there are a total of 44 votes, now to put this into perspective sir Digby Chicken-Caesar gained 40 votes in London to make him the 3rd congressman elected. That means if SDP wanted to vote their candidate in London they would have needed all their voters to do so. Now if we compare the total 44 votes to the newly established TRD, TRD also managed to get 3 congress seats meaning they matched the SDP, but if we look at the figures their 3 candidates managed to get 20 votes which is equal to 66% of the party membership at the time and that 100% of their candidates went through.

Maybe it was a bug that caused only 44 to vote? Nah bug probably helped

Now usually when a person runs for congress as well as appealing to the local regional people they get mobile voters from their party, in SDP the person who was in charge of organising the election including the mobiles was Dan Wilshire, after the PP election we failed to see much of Dan and the worry began to grow. A few days after Dan made his first public appearance on our forum and it looked as if he might start working soon. However it was not to be and Dan other than posting about 3 times and finding out where people lived did nothing and then made his final disappearing act, it then seemed we would have to follow the old every man for himself policy and try to organise our own mobiles (which I know Andalas did to great affect). Now while we all made preparations I was called away on a family emergency and so was not on over the congress weekend when I did manage to come on during Sunday, I noticed I had 8 messages since I departed one of which was sent the day before elections and was from our PP asking how many mobiles I thought I would need.

I think he lost track of time

Now obviously it must of been hard for Melophore to try and organise the candidates voters a day before hand and me not replying till the Sunday no doubt made matter worse, but I did post on our forum requesting the number of voters I would need but as it does get quite busy in there I'm not surprised he didn’t see it. I sent a message back saying I would need x amount of voters and that I will pay him for it when I get back to England on the Sunday night around 8pm but I never received a message back nor did I get those voters, it seems ever since Melophore became PP of SDP he disappears at random times never to be seen again till the next morning.

So as you can see as far as my election campaign went there was a total breakdown in communication between me and the rest of the party, now this may just be a one of case during this election but let’s ask the other 3 candidates for SDP who were elected into congress.

The same question was asked to all 3 congressmen

Q: What was your impression of SDP organisation before the election?


A: Up until the last few days I was sure there would be no election coordinator, as the person Melopore chose didn't have a lot of time for that. Melo did step in at the last moment and promised me mobile voters. I don't know if I got any of them and I wasn't sure he even showed up until I got a congratulations message.


A: Absolutely crap. Candidates had to get voters for themselves. It also didn’t help that everybody willing to be a mobile voter had left to TRD.


A: Absolute shit

So as you can see even those who did manage to win were totally disgusted by the parties failure to deal with an election, Melophore when running for PP commented that the party has been in membership decline since Rory took over. This put politely is absolute rubbish, the fact is since Melophore has taken over as PP the party has been in rapid membership decline with SDP going from the 4th highest political p-arty to the 5th and with TRD in 6th place the pressure is on now more than ever for something to be changed.

We all want change, but getting it is another matter

Now I turn to the future and what I can see for the SDP, I have highlighted the terrible disaster that was our mobile voter organisation, I have revealed the truth behind the split and not by writing about why I think the split happened but from a true to elife account of one of the leaders of the split and now I tell you what I consider to be the future.

If only Lisa was in charge of SDP

As far as I can see the SDP future will be nothing more than one man holding onto power in a party that simply does not exist, the active forum count has now dropped to below 5 members meaning they would not get a forum if they were a new party and appealed for one. The PP is selling SDP companies from the org and who knows where the money will go, many SDP members that are active are now switching to TRD.

As for me, well mine is a peculiar case as I have a number of responsibilities in the SDP, but I do not agree with the current PP or the direction in which he is taking us. However I believe that no matter what responsibilities I take on or the good I try to do their is simply not enough left in the party, Melophore warned us the party was going downhill it wasn’t when he arrived but when he took the helm it became the titanic. Now as Leonardo diCaprio sank into the water for ever lost, I must also do the same with the SDP where I will; end up only the tide of fate knows.

Thank you for reading don’t forget to vote and subscribe

Written by Viperb10 ex-SDP member.

Special thanks to Artela, Andalas, ProudtobeBritish32 and Speedking for agreeing to answer my questions. Have a nice day or evening depending on where you are.