TOS & Privacy policy changelog. - Edited

Day 2,365, 06:01 Published in Serbia Serbia by such Digital. very Lemon. wow

Changelog, because they didn't present us with one.

 - changed registered address of the office
        5 Dumitru Cariagdi Street, 2nd District, Bucharest, Postal Code 021518, Romania to 39-41 Nicolae Filipescu street, 2nd floor, 2nd District, Bucharest, Postal Code 020961, Romania;
 - added part forbidding you to "permit others to use your account", "sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your erepublik account to another party", "use other Users’ accounts", and "charge anyone for access to any portion of, or any information therein";
 - no longer allows you to use any data obtained via eAPI for commercial purposes;
 - added part by which you agree to receive emails containing information regarding new games and/or applications developed by their company or by any of their partners;
 - renamed "Get gold and extras" to "Gold and extras";
 - renamed "shouts" to "feeds";
 - fixed typos.

Privacy policy:
 - changed "if you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence" to "if you contact us (including by email or post) we may keep a record of that correspondence and of the information contained in it", aka they may keep and analyze any information you provided when contacting them via posts or email;
 - they may use the information they have on you to "provide you with information, products or services" of any of their partners;
 - they may use the information they have on you to notify you about new games or applications provided by their company or their partners;
 - they may use your email to send you updates or news regarding products or services developed by their partners that they "believe" may interest you.

Uhm, shout plsktnx?

Uslovi koriscenja:
- promenjena adresa kancelarije;
- dodat deo koji vam zabranjuje da prodate/menjate/na bilo koji nacin date svoj nalog trecem licu, koristite tudje naloge, dozvolite drugima da koriste vas nalog i naplatite nekome pristup bilo kom delu sajta ili informacija u njemu;
- zabranjuje se koriscenje informacija dobavljenih preko eAPIja u komercijalne svrhe;
- dodat deo po kome ste saglasni sa dobijanjem emailova u vezi novih igara ili aplikacija koje su njihova kompanija ili njihovi partneri razvili.

Polisa privatnosti:
- mogu cuvati informacije koje ste im pruzili u vidu emaila ili postova;
- mogu koristiti informacije koje imaju o vama da bi vam omogucili informacije, proizvode ili servise njihovih partnera;
- mogu koristiti informacije koje imaju o vama da bi vas obavestili o novim igrama ili aplikacijama njihove kompanije ili njihovih partnera;
- mogu koristiti vas email da bi vam slali novine ili vesti o proizvodima ili servisima koje razvijaju njihovi partneri za koje "veruju" da bi vam bile od interesa.