Torn Between Two Lovers

Day 2,026, 11:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Arjay Phoenician III

You’re counted as a reader, you might as well vote

I’ve talked a lot about my lovely and energetic friend, Princess Isabella, in recent weeks, so much so that my Irish readers have got to be sick of her. Would I say I’m in love with her? Such a notion would have to be within the context of the game. If you pinned me down for an answer, I would say no, but I’m very definitely in like with her, I love what she represents, I adore her openness with me, and I deeply cherish our friendship.

All within the context of the game.

And if she weren’t already e-married, I would definitely ask for her hand in e-marriage.

She lost her bid to be Bolivia’s next president by a single vote. That’s a bitter pill for anyone to swallow, especially when she was up by three votes in the waning moments of Election Night. Whatever happened during the six hours of the admin double-check, no one may ever know, we all can speculate.

Bolivia moves on with their new president, Darthvan, someone I have absolutely nothing bad to say about, except to say he needs to make sure his face gets out there more often. For someone who has been in the game since October, he’s a newcomer to the newspaper module, employing it only three weeks ago. In this respect, he will certainly be compared with Isabella, someone who is always in the newspapers and on IRC.

Isabella has weighed her options and decided to move onto Venezuela. As an ambassador, she made friends fast, fast enough to already gather citizenship for herself and membership in the political party Nuevas Generaciones. The members of her Bolivian party, The Strongest Party, accept her departure and wish her well as friends. The rest of Bolivia may or may not be so forgiving, time will tell.

As for your journeyman journalist, I realize Isabella is something special and decided to follow her to Venezuela. That is not an abandonment of Bolivia on my part, I made friends there and hope to continue to nurture them, and I always pay attention to the war scene and will jump back to fight in their resistance wars whenever they arise. I supported the pending RW in Santa Cruz, invested my currency in it, saved my energy and weapons, and look forward to kicking the crap out of Paraguay.

Whatever inspires you in this world, follow it with all your heart. If you commit to your country because you believe in your heart of hearts it’s worth your energy, do so with complete allegiance. If your brothers in your political party or military unit keep you coming here every day and you’ve succeeded and failed alongside them, fight for them with the same urgency that the fight for you.

Me, I let the wind blow me where it wishes, and it so happens that it blew me to Bolivia, not just to fight for their place on the map, but to make a dear, sweet friend. I found a fellow individualist, something that is truly rare in this regimented world, where loyalty to a nation or group seems far more valued than a person’s internal struggles and desires. I don’t say goodbye to countries, I won’t ever leave Bolivia any more than I’ve left Ireland. I care about Bolivia. That care goes back generations.

But I would be a fool to not follow something as precious as this. Wars come and go, the stability of alliances fluctuate, nations rise and fall, but a lasting friendship is worth more than the prestige of any office or the glitter of any tin medal.

Belfast Lough Times: Issue #20