Top of the Food Chain

Day 1,090, 15:28 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

My fellow citizens of the eUS.

I've been debating on whether or not to write an article such as this for a long time. There is a path America has been on for far long. Its time for a different approach. I'm sure I will ostracized for my opinions, but hey I'm looking for a fresh start anyway. I intend to take my time here and try to help develop a better community for every citizen, not just those at "the top of the food chain."


This battle is the tipping point for me. The article above me proves my point. I have been around for a long time and for the most part have conformed to the status quo. I have even personally received government funding to "tank" in battle on many many occasions, so many will say I shouldn't bitch, but this needs to said. Every since the sweeping changes of post WW3, America has served only as a machine to further the in game successes of those players who find their way into power positions. Whether it be through the government, military or social circles, the players who sit atop of these organizations dictate the way game play will be for every citizen.

The battle for Sumatra is one of many excellent examples of this. Our own President tanked up an unbelievable amount of damage in the battle, over 160k. Only to see the region that we spent so much government revenue on be resistance warred back to Indonesia the very next day, without even a fight. And for what? Those those who spend your money can thump their chest? Rank up? Write articles about "poppin cherries"???

Come On Man!!

The only benefit gained from this battle goes to those who run the whole spiel behind the scenes. They gain massive amounts of rank, xp points and medals, while the average guy gets the shaft.

Currently America's structure is set up so that the work of our employees funds the game progression of older, stronger, more established citizens. America continues to recycle through noobs, watchin them come and leave while the powerful reap all the gain. A new citizen finds eRep and either immediately leaves, dismisses the game. The new guy may find a spark of interest, sticks around for awhile. Very few of these players last. They either conform or are cast out.

The reason is the way our community is run. Unless you are at the top, you will never reap the benefits of America's oppressive tax rates and will suffer in your progressions to benefit the output of damage from elite players, simple as that.

YOU ARE A BATTERY, a fuel cell, a host for those who spend your government revenue.

Something has got to give. We cannot continue to tax our player base to death in order to wage battles that don't even matter. We cannot keep driving new players away. The conform or gtfo attitude that lies behind the scenes has to be beaten.

America needs to be giving out food and weapons to newer players DAILY. We need to focus on progressing our player base through the game. Either that or give them their damn money back and allow them at least a shot at doing it themselves.

Uphill battle? Hell yes? Winnable? Idk?

Join me and see what happens, thanks for your time and good luck in our little eWorld.

~Joe DaSmoe

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