Top 10 Reasons Why: UK Military Can't Win A Battle

Day 677, 03:17 Published in Romania Sweden by Roteda

New day, and that means I have a new list. I want to start of by saying thanks for the votes and comments for the first list, glad you liked it. Today we got a new list, and since UK had the honour (Feels weird saying UK and honour in the same sentence) of being number 1 in the first list, I thought it would be excellent to dedicate the second one, just for them. Last time I posted in USA, Spain and Poland, this time I switch Spain for Romania, original article will be in USA as before so make sure that you vote that one if you liked the article, there will be a link to it in the articles in Poland and Romania. So, without delaying it any longer, here's the list!

Top 10 Reasons Why: UK Military Can't Win A Battle

10. UK Military? What's that?
9. "If we have tanks? Sure we do, we have this dude hitting a massive 60 dmg/hit. Oh, I just can't wait for the day when we can afford to buy him weapons!"
8. Since they switched alliance so many times, they can't remember on which side they are supposed to fight.
7. Because the military is so bad, it's more economical to leave them at home in UK then to buy them moving tickets to a battle.
6.Because when their Hungarian general screams "Támadásra!", which means attack, they think it means "Retreat!" [Google Translate]
5. Nah sorry, that was a lie. They did understand the meaning, they just got scared and ran away.
4. Chickens does not have fingers to hold or fire a weapon with.
3. Because they don't throw grenades, they throw eggs.
2. Because Hungary's and Indonesia's presidents are sleeping, so no one is left to pull the strings on the puppets.

And then we come to the last reason, the biggest and most important one, the list number one:

1. Because without a backbone they have a hard time standing up

And there we have it, the Top 10 Reasons Why: UK Military Can't Win A Battle, and also we have today's list. Make sure you have voted the article(s) and if you're not already subscribing, then please do. Also, if you want to spread the article, copy the url and shout it 🙂

Link to original article in USA: Click and Vote!