Top 10 Extreme Vacations ( PART 2 )

Day 1,648, 05:42 Published in USA Croatia by Apress continue where we stayed yesterday..
No.4 Take A Helicopter Safari

Because we have never been a fan of ordinary bus tours, we’re throwing in Cox & Kings' new six-day "mountain safari" via a French-manufactured, oxygen-equipped Ecureuil to see eight of Earth’s tallest peaks. Mt. Everest summiteers narrate their experiences as you whiz past the 29,035-foot mountain then later take in the Langtang, Manaslu, Lamjung, and Annapurna ranges and other Nepalese sights, all for the posh price of at least $7,975 per person. Since the Ecureuil seats only two guests, this is a downright romantic trip, allowing you to score major points with your girlfriend while conveniently involving superslick machinery.

No.3 Drag Race

Of the many driving experiences you can book while on holiday, we naturally recommend the fastest and most daring: dragster racing. Doug Foley’s Drag Racing School, of Mooresville, North Carolina, arranges this at various tracks around the U.S., for a range of dates. Packages start at $349, not including lunch and trackside photography -- a small price to pay for the thrill of crossing 300 feet of track in 10 seconds at over 100 miles per hour.

No.2 Dive In An Exosuit

Should you ever be called on to repair external surfaces of an orbital space station, you’ll have acquired some of the requisite skills by the end of this Incredible Adventures package. The Russian Space Agency’s Hydrolab is a place real-life astronauts go to simulate weightlessness in a 12 meter-deep neutral buoyancy tank. If you’re a certified diver of the right height and weight, you’re eligible for similar training using the coolest swimwear imaginable: an Orlan space suit fitted with biometric sensors to check health readings as you complete a series of underwater tasks. Three nights at a four-star Moscow hotel are included.

and finally
No.1 Go Shark-Baiting

Only one thing better than experimenting with high-tech vehicles is turning one into a giant fishing lure -- with you inside as bait. Stanley Submarines’ custom-built, submersible Idable ferries you down 1,500 feet off the coast of Roatan, and attached to the sub is live bait designed to lure the seldom seen six-gilled shark. From the depths of the ocean’s blackness, don’t be alarmed when you see this prehistoric specimen -- longer than your 13-foot sub -- approach one of the sub’s nine 30-inch viewports. You’ll feel Idable rock back and forth as the gentle ocean giant works to dislodge her baited treats.

By Apress on May 25, 2012 ®