Toodle Pip

Day 1,027, 14:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Darragh O Faolain
Urban Dictionary:
Toodle Pip: To say goodbye to a very dear friend.

And that is what I am doing.

After almost a year and a half in this game I have decided I am going to bid goodbye to this game, and to all of you who play it. This has been a difficult decision, but I think it's for the best in the end.

I've seen quite a lot while here, but far less than some, and I would like to think I've made some difference, particularily in my main area of Foreign Affairs, in which I am still the longest serving Minister to date. I was once Vice President, in a term where I was to be President (based on numbers alone, as it was back then), but I was manipulated and coaxed to settle for Vice President by one of the most cunning operators in eIreland, who remains with us today, in a series of very promiment positions. It would do no good to name this individual, I'm sure most of you are aware who they are, and they have cultivated a very high level of personal fame at this stage, so I won't sully the opinions of those of you who adore them. I never really had the appetite for it after that, even if I was asked quite a few times. Of course, this person doesnt operate alone, there are a number of these type of people in Ireland, who do not embody what Ireland was when I first joined, and that is, I think, a shame. There are many lovely people, new and old in this game, and I wish you all the best of luck, there are far too many to mention them all. Over the next few days I'll be messaging a few of you, and donated some of my meagre possesions out. I'll be checking my Inbox until Saturday, so until then you can reach me.

I want to end the way I e-Lived, without making a big fuss, without blowing my own trumpet, without a convoluted article to sate my pride. So,
