Tommy Skaue for President October 2011

Day 1,412, 13:00 Published in Norway Norway by T Cherub
Hi boys and girls of Norway

The Country President election is due in just a couple of days. There are already a list of candidates. My opponents are LavBoris, a serbian player who has been staying in Norway for almost half a year. I respect his efforts in trying to make it both as a soldier and politician. I know he has already tried to run for president in Norway before. He stays in our channels and gets himself updated on the forums. I wish him the best of luck. We still have Ya Krivoy UA as candidate for president. This player is completely invisible in the Norwegian political scene and comes off as a simple medal hunter. No respect from me, sorry.

Enough about my competition, and more about what you can expect from me.


My cabinet so far consists of these fine players:

Minister of Finance
Vice Minister of Finance

Minister of Immigration
Vice Minister of Immigration
Per Jostein

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sir Greggory Groda
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Caboose Lopez

Minister of Defense
Vice Minister of Defense

The cabinet isn’t 100% set yet, but this is my starting point, and if I get elected I will work from there.


My goal is to continue seeking a closer interaction with EDEN. In the latest months, our nation has been more or less distanced from our alliance. You might argue that us having MsCarmen as president would make our ties to EDEN grow, but as far I know, it hasn’t. By using our connections to EDEN, we will spread orders through our Military Units, and hopefully our soldiers will make a difference on the battlefield. It is also more fun to be part of the bigger picture, even if we’re just a small dot on the art of war. For this to work, we need to stay in touch with EDEN headquarters on regular basis and push good orders.

Not to mention SWEDEN

Just a few days ago, Norway signed a peace treaty with Sweden. According to this deal, Sweden would take Trøndelag and Nord-Norge, and we could have the rest of the regions. Now the even if the deal hasn’t really materialized itself in anything but “signed paper”, I hope we can work towards a more peaceful relation with Sweden. My main goal is to find a better line of communication, so that we can more quickly get updated on actions that concerns our nation. I don’t really want us to have all the other regions, but I want three regions: Svalbard, Vestlandet and Sorlandet. That will give us bonus from Fish, Oil and Cattle. The rest of the regions can be used for war training. I hope we can come to some arrangement with Sweden about this, otherwise we will simply have to create our future without their help.

There is something rotten in Denmark?

No, not as far as I know. I invite Denmark to make closer bonds to Norway. We’re not your enemy, we’re your friends! If LavBoris wins and starts a campaign to destroy Denmark, it will be without me. In fact, I share the dream of a united Scandinavia, where all of the Scandinavian nations work together. It might sound Utopia given the latest events, and I know a lot of erep players are disgusted by how Sweden have crippled our nation for a while now. But remember that Norway has been a safe haven for all sorts of Congress medal hunters from all over the world. A Norway without Norwegians simply cease to be Norway. Without a solid base of Norwegian players making sure our agenda stays loyal to Norway, the rest of Scandinavia simply cannot look at Norway as Norwegian, but occupied by PTO’s (Political TakeOvers). And we all know the state Denmark has been through the last couple of years.

Final words

It is best to keep these articles short. Otherwise you probably won’t bother to read it all. My preference is still to encourage native Norwegians to participate on the political scene. With the latest changes of the game mechanisms, it is no problem to be a politician and a soldier at the same time. All you Norwegians out there who cares, come back and build our nation. If we are to hold 3 regions Norwegian, that will require a huge presence of Norwegian players. I cannot exaggerate that enough.

Happy voting, and may the best candidate win!

Party President of National Liberation Party
Tommy Skaue / Cherub