Tohru's Thanks / Intentions

Day 829, 01:52 Published in Austria Japan by Tohru

Firstly, I'd like to thank those of you who voted for me in the congress elections; your support is appreciated, and I will begin trying to work for the betterment of Austria.

Moving on, I will inform you of the next move I will be taking. Some of you may notice that I have already left OIP and joined Opposition. Starting off, I have no loyalties to this "party". As you have probably already seen, the Illuminus Austria party was taken over by Gregoriew123. I was a member of this party, and a major one at that. My only reason for being a part of this party is simply to turn it back into the IA.

Although Gregoriew123 seems to act like he was elected, it was simply not the case. Due to a bug, or accident on the former PP Oraizan's part, she was uncandidated, and Gregoriew123 swooped in last minute to secure the party unopposed.

He took what was a bastion of progress in Austria and turned it into simply a tool for bashing those he did not agree with. Whether his claims on the said people are correct or not, I will not debate. However, taking over a thriving party and destroying it simply because you disagree with certain people and want better publicity, is completely crossing the line.

I could say more about his actions, but I won't. You have already seen them for yourself. It is more important to talk about what you will do to make things better, than what others are doing wrong.

As I am very close to the former PP, Oraizan, I of course will be reforming the IA to what it was under her. These things can be found in the Illuminus Sentinel, the link being here..

For those that don't wish to read, it basically states that the party will help make a better Austria.

In Illuminus Austria, we do not put our party above the nation as some do. We simply do what we do to help Austria become a better nation. If we are well regarded for it, that's great, but we do not do things for the recognition, we do them because we love Austria.

When the party elections come on the 15th, I hope that those of you that were in the IA will come back to vote for me to recreate our party. And those that aren't, I hope you will lend your support for us getting back on our feet.

Thank you again. Good day to you, and may we all bring Austria to greatness and more.