Together, we're Invincible

Day 855, 18:42 Published in USA USA by Emerick

We are one country, united under the common goal of striving for superiority in every way. In this competition known as eRepublik, our charge is to strive to stand above our enemies on every battlefield, to hold our heads high on our necks, and our enemies' in our fists, and declare that we are the greater. This simulation, when set to a strong boil and left to evaporate, comes down to one familiar element: cooperative play. This is a team sport. That why I say this to you: together we're invincible.

Our allies get it. Croatia gets it, Poland gets it. Sweden gets it, Romania gets it. We who soak in western culture don't seem to get it. When we're forced to play as the United States of America, for some reason, we get it into our heads that we are cyber representatives of the real United States of America. Morals stand in our way, politics stand in our way, America. When you play a team deathmatch game, do you squabble with your teammates over whether it's righteous to take a headshot? No, you squabble over who gets to play as the sniper, because Snipers are badass. Snipers and Pyros. Represent. Engineers are a bitch to play, but you know what? Somebody always plays as the Engineer, because together we're invincible.

When you play Age of Empires, do you refuse to attack the poor Mayans, because that guy sucks at Age of Empires? No, you crush him because you want to test out your army's strength, and it's also really fun.

That's where I come in, America. I am trying to build the elitest, most active, hardest working party in the country. I am creating programs that will groom our citizens into the elitest, most active, and hardest working people in the game. But I am only one man. That's where you come in, America. The more people we have working on this project, titled Specialized Elite Execution Squad, or S.E.E.S., the faster we progress, the more ideas we have coming to the table, and the better we'll be. The better we'll all be. Because together we're invincible.

America, sometimes I feel like we're limiting ourselves because of who we are in real life. America, we are the only thing standing in our way. Our allies are conquerors, America. Our enemies are conquerors. There is nothing wrong with saying, "Russia, I'm taking your regions from you. Right here and now." And then actually doing it. Or let's pick an easier target, the UK. Instead of conquerors, we limit ourselves to merely the role of liberators. America, we can do both. There's no visceral thrill in merely liberating an oppressed nation. We want to get excited about what we do, America. We want to take what is not ours, and fight to keep it. We want to conquer. America, S.E.E.S. are conquerors. I will show you what we are capable of in the time that we are here with you. Because, America, S.E.E.S. works together on all things. And together we're invincible.

S.E.E.S. will test your mettle, America, and you will test ours. S.E.E.S. will teach you what we are capable of. In the end, I will convince you that my cause is truly righteous, and that being just another brick in the wall isn't just an ordinary citizen's duty. We are all just another cog in the machine, America. Every day you work, you not only make money for yourself, you increase your worth to the machine, and you add goods for the other citizenry to use. When you cast your vote, you are part of a process of natural selection, where the most popular and better politician is selected to lead us. When that president presses the button to attack a region, he does so after being pushed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who collectively decide, with our allies(who have their own structure), to attack. This causes a reaction from our and our enemies' citizenry, who, if told to do so, fight in that region. If they are instructed otherwise, they do their part as they are expected to. If the citizens in a country follow their orders to the letter, and they are properly informed by their superiors, then together we are invincible.

A good citizenry depends on a good leadership which depends on a good citizenry. If every part of the machine works to strengthen the others and works exactly as it's supposed to, then we have a perfect perpetual machine, and we are invincible, America.