Today, We Are All Israelis

Day 686, 01:03 Published in Israel Israel by Hyman Roth

(L to R: CJ Will Win, Aeroner, yyytttvvv, Bajumboom, JMatH, and SoulSalvage don their "Happy Unity Outfits" after finally letting go of past PEACE-F/E transgressions, signing off of IRC, and going outside for the first time in months to celebrate CJ's modest victory)

Today, we are all Israeli's.

No matter party, experience level, clean or dirty hands, politician or laborer.

On the heels of a somewhat contentious election following a tumultuous month for the nation, today we must begin the process of rebuilding. Israel has spoken and CJ has won a second term. We must now come together, absent of the petty class warfare, arrogant marginalization of newer citizens, and belligerent rabble rousing (how I've ached to find an opportunity in my life to use 'rabble rousing') that, admittedly, I've played no small role in. We are small in numbers, yet rich in ideas. Our region of the world, as well as our domestic issue, remains volatile. We've no time to spare. We must act now, as one, as Israeli's.


It is my hope that CJ will do his best to form a strong, inclusive Coalition government. The greatest threat to Israel isn't Turkey, but the disenfranchisement of new or young citizens. No one doubts or takes for granted the segment of Israel's population with impressive experience at various aspect of the game. One can only hope that in place of spite and dangerous disregard of ideas, we can set a tone to the national dialogue that is constructive, inclusive, and efficient.

There are, even with the limited number of active citizens we have, good ideas circulating. It seems that in the course of the election, we've devolved into selfish bickering as to ownership of ideas, which robs us of the momentum to put them in place. Perhaps it is naive, but CJ has received not only the endorsement of the populace, but that of many of our wisest citizens, and I can only hope based on this that we'll see action on a number of fronts immediately.


General consensus agrees that creating a citizen boom, born or immigrated, is vital to our future. Many of the varied ideas and proposals circulating on the forums serve this end as well. A Kibbutz/Moshav model that simultaneously strengthens/stabalizes the lower economic tier while giving the security of free food, fair wages (in the context of our economy), and an organic mentoring framework to new citizens? An excellent recruitment tool. A national rebranded ideology as proposed by Brother Ezekiel, where we draw on innate, RL desires of certain populations to make Aliyah? An enormous opportunity exists here for new citizens. Take, for example, the USA. The Jewish Community Party, which has but 12 registered members for the ENTIRE PARTY, garnered 61 votes for their candidate in yesterdays Presidential election. I imagine most voted simply because the logo of the party is, in fact, an Israeli Flag. And while representing only 1.44% of the entire vote, we had but a TOTAL of 167 ballots cast in our election. 61 additional active Israeli's, using this number as a rough example to counter to overt literalists out there, would be no doubt be a huge boon to our economy and nation as a whole.

This should be a priority. Both the MoI AND the office of the President should be as active as possible on these fronts.


Until yesterday when opportunities to fight and heal arose thanks to our American allies, the loudest cries came from those aching to fight and boost wellness. Many of us rely on this, unable to afford the inflated cost of domestic HQ food, Homes, or Gifts. Yesterdays flair up should not serve to quiet the debate as to putting in place an auxiliary plan to address this. SVV eloquently stated his case for a Greek alliance. Others have suggested renewing the failed talks with Turkey.

I don't think there is, if you'll pardon the horrific pun, a magic bullet to address this. We've little to provide in terms of alliances, as our population and subsequent damage offers little value. We also don't have the economic resources to buy our way into training wars. I defer to the wisest Israelis and simply suggest, the economic impact of remaining passive on this issue and laying in wait for America to fight does not work. We must find a way to generate our own improved wellness, for our people, morale, and the economy as a whole.


My first venture onto the IRC was jarring. Aside from being a wellspring of impressive energy wasted on debating long-since past geo-political issues, it was a grotesque sausage party. In one way, it served to explain the awkward and "stuffed-in-a-locker-back-in-high-school " fueled act of including bikini pictures in articles. But is it too much to ask, Mr. President, to get some frickin estrogen around here?

I hope that today begins a golden age of Israeli progress (with or without a female population push). There is, as I've noted in the past, chaos. And depending on your interpretation of Mandarin, from chaos comes great opportunity. So congratulations CJ. The people have spoken. Now let's get to work and make the next 4-weeks something a bunch of haggard cack-wranglers will be lauding and wasting energy discussing on the IRC for years to come.