Today was a bad day

Day 605, 11:54 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Today was a bad day, and it's only noon

Nobody said this would be easy

...but nobody ever said it would be this hard, either...

Yesterday, the UK finally showed us their true colors. They finally showed us what we've known for a while now. They've defected to Peace.

Today, we lost Alaska and Newfoundland and Labrador. NFL was the hardest for me. Canada has already lost 3 regions, and I wasn't willing to let them lose another. I was in conversation with Ministers of Defense from a lot of our foreign countries around that time, and they were all poised to defend Canada. All day today, and up to 30 minutes left in the battle, we were losing. With 30 minutes to go, we attacked. With 15 minutes to go, the wall was steadily building. With 10 minutes to go, we were winning. With 5 minutes to go, the wall started crumbling again. With 3 minutes to go, we were in the red.

Less than 3 minutes left. I was out of supplies, and had already been healed for the day. I leapt out of the trench I was in with men from all over the world, wide-eyed boys and hardened soldiers alike, and sprinted home. I threw open my front door, kicked open my war chest, and grabbed some gold. I ran to the monex, bought $600, hopped over to the market, and bought 10 Q5 weapons. With 10 Q5 weapons and 20g, I was ready to put down 3000 damage.

I got back to the battlefield with 2 minutes to go. Things weren't looking good. The decrepit soldiers of the Peace international army were shuffling towards the heart of Newfoundland.

It was like that scene in the Lion King when the stampede is coming, and Simba makes his "Oh shit" face. And camera zoom. I imagine that a lot of people felt that way. But we held strong

Jacques-Louis David's 'Leonidas at Thermopylae'

Well, we stood strong. And we stood proud.

Peace was throwing their best at us, like NicoSianipar

and we just didn't do enough

We tried our best. We were there, and a lot of us spent a lot of money. I know I did. I'm not cleaned out, though, but my war chest is open now. I've dipped into my savings, and I'm not looking back.>I really don't care if I lose all my money. I did it in French Toast, and I'll do it again. It's go time. This was a symbolic loss for us. It showed us that Peace is serious, and we, the North Americans and our allies, need to be twice as serious. This isn't going to be easy, but we need to weather the storm

You know, I think that>Speak, in 2003,>said it best:
Sometimes, people make a war
Don't know what it's for