Today. Tomorrow

Day 2,008, 11:01 Published in Ireland Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So I'll assume it's out, Aeriala for CP. That's fine, lets cover some basics. Figure out who I am.

I am Aeriala and I have been here playing for over 3 years. I've had my noob days where I didn't understand a damn thing but I evolved, everyone does it and that doesn't change.You love you learn you move on, done deal. I started where everyone else did, lost, but you move ahead if you choose to, those are the people I like, the ones that choose to.

When I started this game I ofcourse picked an avatar. It was Bubbles and I chose a Powerpuff Girls theme. Silly and I'll never regret it, it was fun for quite awhile. In time I changed. I took upon the future and changed my avatar to Enma AI, the hell girl. It fit me better because vengance will be my middle name. I've never accepted S*it and I won't change, like it or hate it, i stand firm.

You'll get those that talk down to me over my use of Goddess. This is not a title I gave myself which is why I use it so freely. Goddess was a title the president of the US gave me at the time when I was SC of Terra and a Canadian citizen. I of course accepted and have never seen a need to back off from it.

Now that's the past but what's the future? I don't know, but that's OK. Wanna know what I see? The CLIT. I have no idea what that means, or maybe I do. The Co-operative League of Independant Territories. Yea I have no idea but I like it and I will try.
Long Live the CLIT
iF you aren't looking for the CLIT you are doing it wrong

Your Goddess,