Today's Feature Citizen - John Sykes

Day 588, 16:04 Published in Australia Canada by Homer J Simpson

Today we speak to John Sykes

- How long have you been on eRep?
A little under three months. But the first month, I was only around once a week.

- What countries have you lived in?
Born in eUK, moved to eAustralia, then fought in eIndonesia, eRomania and worked in eSpain for a while, as it had the best salaries at the time. But I always kept coming back to eAustralia.

- Did you come to eRep with any preconceived ideas or were you just trying something new?
I was looking for a political arena, but found the financial side, although not as developed as I'd like, still extremely interesting and enticing.

- Have you had any political activity e.g. served as senetor, party president etc.?
I served one term as Senator although I don't think I impressed in any way.

- What do you hope to achieve in eRep?
An eAustralian Financial institution - the Eucalyptus eHoldings, finish the Euca eHandbook, work on my mutual fund and I have a few more business ideas that I will develop in the long term. Finally, I'd like to run for Prime Minister when I have ore experience.

- Where do you see eAustralia in the future?
The Pacific Ocean. Seriously, a few well chosen MPPs could put us in an interesting position when PEACE crumbles, as I reckon it already is.

- In RL what sport do you follow and what is your favourite team?
I like running, walking or just working out. I don't follow sport apart from tennis though.

- In RL what industry do you work in and does this influence your decision making on eRep?
I study maths but I don't think it has any impact at all.

- A final wor😛
Good luck with your newspaper! And I would like wish the best of luck to all starting out senators!

Thanks to John Sykes. Tomorrow we hear from Timeoin.

Nb: Since conducting the interview John has moved to eSingapore.

I only have one interview left to publish so if you haven't done so already fill out the answers and PM them back to me. You don't need to be a prominent citizen. All interviews will be published.